Multitasking or one track mind?

Rat Rods Rule

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Do you multitask or are you a one track mind?

  • I multitask everything!

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • I split between multitasking and staying on one track

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • One track mind here, it goes off track and I'm in trouble!

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • I'm confused enough without thinking about it!

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
When it comes to a build, do you tend to multitask, doing several things at once, or do you get on a project and stay with that one thing until it's done, then move on to the next thing?

It varies with me, sometimes I'll obsess over one item until I get it the way I want it, other times, I'll have four or five things going on at once, maybe waiting on parts so I can do one thing I jump to something else for a while, then maybe something else. Then the parts will come in, and I'm back to where I started.

I know some of you with multiple projects jump back and forth between them, but are you thinking about one project while working on another?

l have hot rod ADHD disease[ddd

3 projects at once, but like you, sometime l obsess about one or two things and they have to be right or it drive me crazy(er)

Later :cool:
I multi task until I get on a specific project then I'm focused :)
I have a split multi task personality [ddd[ddd
So I voted split :cool:
I multi-task everything. In fact, I'm learning guitar and knitting a sweater as I type this. :D

I'm like you Bamamav, sometimes all over the place, sometimes focused on one thing to the end.

When I was stitch welding my roof, I was bouncing between 3 different projects every ten minutes waiting for my welds to cool. Welding ADD! [;)[;)[;)[S

(Now I'm recording my debut album and reading a book...)
At one time I could have 10 things going and never

miss a I am working on one thing and start thinking about something else....I better not leave what I'm doing until I'm at a point that I can go back without a problem....or.....I've gotta stop, think back to what I was doing to get back on track....the days of jumping around from job to job is pretty much out of the one thing, try to get it completed and on to the next....problem with start working on one thing, you realize it would be cool to do something else you thought of while working on the first thing and you stop to take the time to see if what you were thinking is possible.....then where was I when I stopped to check on this??
Maybe it's just me, but never had that problem in the on one thing...stop, go to another or two or three and jump right back into where I was on the first....never a now...:(
I'm all over the place. I have severe ADD. wasn't diagnosed until I was in my late 30s. I'm now medicated and it helps but I'm still an air head.[S
I multitask a lot. I think it's part of being self employed. I learned to do it in my 20's when I wrenched for a living. Between waiting on parts, service writers and customers I was usually working on 3 or 4 cars at a time. Now days my favorite day off is in the shop by myself, no phone, no people, just me and one thing to focus on.
I have a full time job and the shop time has to be divided out along with "honey do's". I try to stay focused and only go to another part if I am waiting on parts, help from a strong back, etc. usually I try to stay on a schedule. Then again, I have to keep "momma" off my butt. You know the saying " if Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy":eek:
I am all over the place so I guess I multi task. I seriously have to make myself work on one project until I get it done. Even then I go off on a tangent!
It's a fight. Like a lot of you, I've got more ideas in my head than I could possibly accomplish. In the past I'd try to act on many of them at once, causing slow-to-no progress on any or all of them. I have to remind myself while working on the '36, "Focus. Focus."
My ex always said I have ADD & I guess that's so because I've never been able to only have one project at a time. It's actually worked out for me because when 1 car breaks down... I always have another ride in the wings! :eek::eek::eek:

I am worse than one track minded. I have absolute tunnel vision when working on a project to the total neglect of everything else, including mowing the lawn or anything else. I am retired so I will work from sunup till midnight everyday. Can't wait to finish a project. Totally obsessed.
I am worse than one track minded. I have absolute tunnel vision when working on a project to the total neglect of everything else, including mowing the lawn or anything else. I am retired so I will work from sunup till midnight everyday. Can't wait to finish a project. Totally obsessed.

Me too. Although on weekdays I have to try and concentrate on my job. But in the back of my mind is the build. It's what makes me jump out of bed in the morning.
Well that explains it!!!!!

and I quote from the article...."Multitasking is not efficient, nor does it get more work done faster. Quite the opposite. One task interferes with another, so everything takes longer because the brain loses time--and accuracy--in repeatedly shifting its effort."

See.....I knew there was a reason why it's taking me so long on this build.....darn brain is losing time.....darn...I hate when that happens.!!!

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