Why izzit....

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Why is it smileys don't work for me in firefox, but work fine in chrome? [S[S

I have used firefox for years, but lately I've noticed it's not working good on several sites. Chrome is three times as fast loading.

The last new version of firefox suxs.:eek:
I've used Firefox for years and about 8 months ago they issued an update that completely broke the web browser for me.
I absolutely despise Chrome but, have to use it anyway :mad:
Is your Operating System fully up to date?

I'm on Windows 10, both at home and at work. I run Firefox at work, Chrome at home... neither give me much trouble, but I update both computers weekly.

I'm nobody's IT guy... all I know for sure is, regular shut downs should update your OS and browsers. (I've failed to do this in the past, where I simply let the machines "sleep", rather than shut down and start again.)

I shut my office computer down every Friday for the weekend. More often than not, Firefox updates are running when I fire it up Monday morning... coincidence? Hell if I know, but they're regular for damn sure...

I stuck with Win7 when we built my latest machine. Didn't like the looks of Win10. Using FF with no issues that I know of. As Doc says, regular updates are essential.
I'm running Win 10, and it's 100% up to date, as is Firefox. Like Old Iron said, when it updated it went to pot. Some pics won't load, parts of web pages are missing, smileys won't work some places and others they will, even going from one thread to another on a board can take a few minutes of watching the two balls bouncing, kinda like the old dial up days. I've tried updating FF, but it's up to date. FF works a little better on my phone and android tablet, still slow, but that could just be connection issues.

Chrome is working superfast here on the pc. One page to another in milliseconds. I just prefer Firefox, I've used it ever since I got DSL and got away from AOL dialup. Every other browser just feels off a bit, FF is, or was , home. No more though.

My computer updates Windows every Tuesday. No telling how many times it starts and restarts installing updates every week or so. Every once in a while it will not install one and I have to manually do it, but that's pretty rare. I try to keep a check on it.

I'm glad Old Iron reported he's having the same problem. At least now I don't think it's on my end, I think it's in their {FF} code somewhere.
I'm running Win 10, and it's 100% up to date, as is Firefox. Like Old Iron said, when it updated it went to pot. Some pics won't load, parts of web pages are missing, smileys won't work some places and others they will, even going from one thread to another on a board can take a few minutes of watching the two balls bouncing, kinda like the old dial up days. I've tried updating FF, but it's up to date. FF works a little better on my phone and android tablet, still slow, but that could just be connection issues.

Chrome is working superfast here on the pc. One page to another in milliseconds. I just prefer Firefox, I've used it ever since I got DSL and got away from AOL dialup. Every other browser just feels off a bit, FF is, or was , home. No more though.

My computer updates Windows every Tuesday. No telling how many times it starts and restarts installing updates every week or so. Every once in a while it will not install one and I have to manually do it, but that's pretty rare. I try to keep a check on it.

I'm glad Old Iron reported he's having the same problem. At least now I don't think it's on my end, I think it's in their {FF} code somewhere.

I had my IT guy disconnect me from windows updates. If anything comes along I really need, he will let me know, otherwise it's just a bunch of memory gobbling stuff you generally do not need and it's often running in the background without notification and clogging everything down. Next time I need a cleenup, I'm ditching windows for Linux I think.
At one time, I thought about going Linux myself. I had a couple of programs back then though that I needed that only worked in Windows, so I never tried it. And I was more computer savvy back then, the last 8-10 years my knowledge has been surpassed by the new stuff that has came out. I don't think I could pull it off now without a lot of studying up.
I had my IT guy disconnect me from windows updates. If anything comes along I really need, he will let me know, otherwise it's just a bunch of memory gobbling stuff you generally do not need and it's often running in the background without notification and clogging everything down. Next time I need a cleenup, I'm ditching windows for Linux I think.

I updated my computer (that was running great) so I could use the new Chrome browser... what a mistake... computer runs much slower now. I hate updating when my machine is running perfectly... last time it killed my version of Photoshop! Needless to say... I was *really* PO'd!!!

OK, I went snooping in my computer, clicked Computer/ Local Disk C:/ Program File X86 and it seems Firefox was installed in the X86 Program File instead of X64 Program File.
In Program File X86, I renamed the Mozilla Firefox folder to ( Mozilla Firefox old) then downloaded Firefox again, clicked install, it found the installed file and it suggested I clicked on repair.
It reinstalled it into the X64 Program File and the browser is running like it used to :cool:
Give it a try ya might like the result :D
Disclaimer; I'm not an IT guy and yours may tell you it makes no difference where it installs but, the proof is in the pudding for me :cool:
At one time, I thought about going Linux myself. I had a couple of programs back then though that I needed that only worked in Windows, so I never tried it. And I was more computer savvy back then, the last 8-10 years my knowledge has been surpassed by the new stuff that has came out. I don't think I could pull it off now without a lot of studying up.

Computer seems to be one place that technology is backing up or can't keep up. I see nothing measurable my computer can do better now than the one I had 10 years ago, probably worse due to system hackers, trojans, worms and all the creepy crap you don't see slip in.

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