Learned something today!

Rat Rods Rule

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Rough Rodder
May 27, 2009
Brandenburg Ky.
I learned that if you kill someone all you have to do is LIE like hell, and you can get off!! It may only apply in Fla. but I doubt it!!

BTW it helps if the one you kill is very young!

I know I'm no genius, but I don't get it!
Prime example of "what you know, and what you can prove" that makes the whole difference. They can prove she lied through her teeth and found her guilty for that much...with sentencing to be announced. But most figure she's still free because of time served. The whole deal stinks. A beautiful little girl is dead, with no justice.:(
I'm floored !!!! How in the world could 12 people not see what we all saw? I've been watching this trial from the beginning, and the story for the past 3 years. That girl is guilty and got away with murder..............just like OJ. :mad:

I NEVER expected that verdict and don't know what could have happened in that room to make those people all vote that way. Disgusting!!!!!!!! :mad:

A beautiful little girl is dead and her "Mother" can now live the beautiful life she wanted.

Ok, even I, with limited knowledge of the law know that what we practice is a variation of Brittish Common Law. Innocent until proven guilty. Now I personally prefer Napolianic law, where you have to prove your innocence, not the state having to prove your guilt. The prosecuters were arrogant, and foolish. THEY failed to present a solid case that left no room for doubt. The part that annoys me is the chick can make millions writing a book called HOW AND WHY I DID IT and not be touched due to double jeopardy laws.
Dumbfounded is what I am! ,Dumb or stupid are what those 12 jurors are. How can anybody in there right mind not see this?
I feel very sorry for the the parents of this girl, especially the father, accused and betrayed by his own daughter like this. But on the other hand if I needed a good lawyer I think Jose really pulled this one off.
I've had a chance to digest this verdict a little more now and here is what I think happened.

1) The jury wasn't 100% sold on George Anthony being clean in this death. Even if he wasn't involved he certainly was a dumba** for having ANY contact with that River Cruz chick. He knew he was under a microscope by the media and law enforcement the whole time, what the h*** was he thinking.........going to her place 3 times to "console" her ? :rolleyes:

2) I think they liked Baez better than the Prosecuter team. All the people who were in the courtroom said the jury seemed to be more fans of him than the other side.

3) This jury wasn't from Orlando, this case was thrust upon them and they really had no interest in it, like the people who lived there. I think they just thought "let me not pass judgement and sentence this girl to die, and it will get me back home quicker."

We can say what we want, but Casey will probably make the rounds of the talk shows or write a book, and make millions. Very, very disturbing. :(

Honestly it all just makes me sick, when I think of what this little girl had to endure, and noone will be held accountable!! If Casey did this, may she burn in hell!!
There's nothing but a bunch of liars out there on the right coast, right! And lots of pro Cali car builders too! But seriously, anyone who would hurt a child or their own child is a worthless dirtbag that needs to be hung or shot! :eek::D

I truly believe we should go back to when people were put in stocks in the town square, and left there to suffer and be stoned. It would be a big deterrent to folks who would do harm to anyone, child or adult.
I truly believe we should go back to when people were put in stocks in the town square, and left there to suffer and be stoned. It would be a big deterrent to folks who would do harm to anyone, child or adult.

You might not be so far off the mark RPM, I doubt she's going to be able to stay in the area, someone would likely go after her. She will have to move and lay low, a hard thing to do when a whole nation, if not the western world, is watching with disgust and anger at the outcome. The behavior shown indicates she can turn off any guilt feelings, remorse, or responsibility at least until it catches up with her. Then it's feel sorry for me. I don't know what the condition is called, but there is something terribly wrong going on in her head. Don't think this will be the end of it.
There's no doubt she is one sick chick, maybe not in the legal sense that she doesn't know what she did, but in the sense that her brain doesn't function like normal people. I agree with Sniper that her life on the outside will be different.............a lot of people are outraged over what she did and the fact she got away with murder. Who would hire her and where can she go without being recognized ?

Personally, I hope her life for the rest of her days is pure hell. Every time I see those pictures and videos of Calee I tear up. What a beautiful, sweet child, who was obviously the apple of her Grandparents eyes. All you have to do is see the way they set up the backyard and her room especially for her to know they loved her.

No one will ever know what really happened that day, and an entire family has been forever changed. I wonder how George will survive this, given his fragile mental state that caused him to try suicide once already.
I'm floored !!!! How in the world could 12 people not see what we all saw? I've been watching this trial from the beginning, and the story for the past 3 years. That girl is guilty and got away with murder..............just like OJ. :mad:

I NEVER expected that verdict and don't know what could have happened in that room to make those people all vote that way. Disgusting!!!!!!!! :mad:

A beautiful little girl is dead and her "Mother" can now live the beautiful life she wanted.


Thing about. Your fate is in hands of 12 people that are not smart enough to get out of jury duty. Karma
I told my wife she would get off because of her looks. Juries sympathize with people that are good looking. They find it hard to believe that good looking people are monsters. A case in point, the guy that murdered a councilman in San Francisco got off because of the "twinkie defense". The suspect was good looking with a good looking family. At the same time, in Texas, a guy went on trial for murder and drinking the victims blood. He actually looked like a ghoul. Even though the suspect was obviously crazy, the jury didn't buy the "insane" defense and convicted him.

I was on a murder case as a bailiff. The suspect had stabbed his wife through the neck and killed her. The suspect told his daughter he had hurt her mother. The suspect hired Leslie Abramson to defend him. The first day of trial, the jury brought her book in to autograph. The Judge ordered the books collected and told them not to have any contact with her during the trial. I warned the Judge to dismiss the jury because they won't find her client guilty. The Judge said he thought they were smarter than that.

When the jury came back not guilty, the Judge got off the bench, went into the hallway and said he had never seen a dumber bunch of people in his life.

Being a bailiff, for a few years, I lose all respect for the jury system. This latest case doesn't help.........sigh.
I have to agree with juries not being as smart as we give them credit for. I also think this jury just wanted to get the hell out of town and go home. They were there for almost 6 weeks, one of them had an overseas trip scheduled for the 7th, and if they had found her guilty they would have been there for a lot longer. How otherwise could they go through all 350 some pieces of evidence, miles of paperwork, and all that testimony in 9 hours of deliberation? No way.

I was on a jury a few years ago where a young black girl stabbed a young black guy. He didn't die, just injured. After deliberating for a while the general concensus in the room was "look, he isn't dead, it's getting close to the end of the day, let's aquit her and go home." I would like to say all 12 of us had more noble reasons, but it really boiled down to that. We didn't want to be there in the first place and sure didn't want to come back for another day, so we wrapped it up right then and there.

I think there was some of that in this case too.

Now they say she's already making deals to sell her story for $millions, what a scumbag! Trust me, any money she makes will never bring her any peace or happiness!

So I heard about this verdict all day. While I was having lunch at the subway, everyone in the line was griping about it. Wouldnt have been an issue except one of them left her two year old son alone in the parking lot to go in. I found him peeing on the building. If these people showed as much regard for their own children as for a kid they never met, the world would be a better place.
Here's one more story about injustice.

A guy was on trial for murder. A while back, he was jumped by a gang, they beat him and stole his wallet. Months later, one of the gang members was found shot and killed. The gang blamed the guy that had beat up and robbed. They even gave the police they guys wallet. Now here's the rub, the victim didn't die from his gunshot wounds. He died because he had a bad dream. The victims was doing so well, he was going to be released. However, that night, he had a bad dream and pulled out his own chest tube.

The County Coroner claimed the suspect caused the death because the victim wouldn't be in the hospital except for the actions of the suspect. Now there was no witnesses or forensics, only the word of the gang. The defense attorney actually specialized in medical malpractice. The suspect's father was the defense attorney's garderner, so in exchange for new landscaping, the attorney agreed to handle the murder case.

Now the attorney did an excellent job, however, I warned him to hire an expert to refute the testimony of the coroner, but he said, "I think the jury is smart enough to make the leap of logic that the victim killed himself". I told him they were not. The jury found the kid guilty.

At the end of the day, I was walking to my car when some of the jurors approached me. They asked me what I thought of the verdict. I said it was my opinion that the convicted an innocent man. I told them the first trial was hung, the second trial, the Judge threw the case out, this was the third trial........

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