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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. RatRodbiz

    Deadly storms in the Southeast

    Here in my part of Ohio we get tornados a few times,but there usally weak.
  2. RatRodbiz

    yep I'm new

    welcome and best of luck with the PT.
  3. RatRodbiz

    Old Navy

    wouldnt mind scoring one of those.
  4. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    amazing stories thanks for sharing.
  5. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Thanks for the words, I will keep tring untill I succeed,may mess up a little but I'll stay strong. Nothing better than beer and smokes-oh well just need more beer.
  6. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Been doing a little digging around....about 2 months ago my sister gave me a sample of Camel Snus she got for free for buying 3 packs of Camels,I tried it but didn't think much of it,not to into smokeless. But sitting here jonesing for some nic,I tried one and it's doing good. ~ Any who, read...
  7. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Real hard to explain, to parts though, chemical dependancy on nicotine(and other crap)brain needs it to think straight. Other is habit,ever crack your knuckels when your nervous or something else like that,it's the same thing. And sometimes for some real sick reason the smoke tastes good,not...
  8. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Thanks for your thoughts, look forward to hearing back. I did that whole hipnotize thing once at some hotel meeting room with about 30 other suckers what a joke. Wish I could do it myself. I'm 29,been smokin' since 15 I think :rolleyes: . I'm on two blood pressure meds cuase it's so high from...
  9. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Lol,careful though I coughed all over that last post :D
  10. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Very true,the butt's have been bad news for over 15 yrs and I've just been telling myself I'll quit when I get older,guess I'm older. This is the fourth or fifth time in last 12mo I've had it. They gave me a lung xray on Sat. and said no major issues. I was starting to fear the "Big C" for a...
  11. RatRodbiz

    Back From Near Death

    Starting to get over a bad case of Bronchitis. Had a fever of 104 and some messed up dreams, was unable to breath. Some scary **** when you can hardly breath. I am going to quit smoking,I have to or I'll be dead before 50. Glad to be back.
  12. RatRodbiz

    Noob from Ohio

    Any of you guys from OH ever check out the fathers day show at The German American Center in North Olmsted? Last year it had over 500 cars. The food is so good you don't want to stop eating.
  13. RatRodbiz

    rodding of the brain

    Thanks for sharing thats bad ass.
  14. RatRodbiz

    Noob from Ohio

    Great Vid,takes me back that was 06' right? I saw the spot I was parked at but no Dodge. It's funny I grew up in Lakewood so it's real cool they do this show. I used to hang out on that strip of Madison,at the local stores chainlink addiction,chris's warped records and a few more that have...
  15. RatRodbiz

    Noob from Ohio

    It falls on the same weekend as a in-law family trip to a cabin at Salt Fork State Park for a week. Last year we got married so the wife didn't have the vacation time to go done there. So I got to go to the show. This year were playing it by ear if we go down there. I'm kinda hoping not so I...