Smashed in the back again

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
RRR Supportor
Jul 18, 2015
NW Washington
Here we go again. This time my son, stopped waiting to turn, hit by SUV driver in back. SUV driver gets ticket, my son has concussion, car is a total.

I see drivers daily looking down while they drive. I pull over when I see it's going on behind me. I'm back driving the 89 GMC full size. It was my car that was totaled.
Here we go again. This time my son, stopped waiting to turn, hit by SUV driver in back. SUV driver gets ticket, my son has concussion, car is a total.

I see drivers daily looking down while they drive. I pull over when I see it's going on behind me. I'm back driving the 89 GMC full size. It was my car that was totaled.

Wow, glad no one was seriously hurt. Still sucks.
Distracted driving is rampant all over the world.
Thank you cell phones and drive throughs, just to name a couple of offenders.
Happy to hear your son is OK
Glad the boy is more or less OK!
The road is a dangerous by these days. I glad Calif lets me go to the front of the line when cars a lined up at stop lights.:p I don't like being the last one. :eek:
Good luck with the replacement car. :eek:
Very glad your Son was not hurt. I agree that driving is getting worse. I was hit by 2 young girls as I was turning into a parking lot. Turned right felt my pickup shudder and saw car parts fly by. It was her mirror that broke apart. She hit my right tire and bent my tierod. I think they were texting because they were taking selfies while we waited for PD. I was on highway they other day. look to my left and see this girl texting with both hands and holding the wheel with her 65mph. I let of the gas so she could go away. Jim
Sorry to hear, Burgerman. (I hope your son recovers completely and suffers no long term effects.)

In my opinion, "distracted driving" should come with a heavy penalty. In this country and its provinces, there are many advocates pushing to change the accepted "traffic violation" into a criminal offense. A criminal code offense in Canada is much like a felony offense in the USA and near as I can tell, both are federal charges...

Anyhow, I believe the traffic violations, "distracted driving" and "driving without due care and attention" side well with the criminal charge known as "Criminal Negligence"...

I'm with everyone above, sorry to hear about your son's accident. Like the Doc says, I hope there's no long term effects. Concussions can be bad so I hope it's a mild one.
Man... that ain't right! I see people all the time looking at their phone while driving... scary!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I know the feeling, especially when its your kid.

Last September my daughter was rear ended so hard by a van on the interstate in bumper to bumper traffic, that the license plate was touching her back seat. 2005 Honda Accord coupe, with 88,000 miles on it. I purchased the car for her only a few months before that. total loss.

A little whiplash, but these cars are lot safer with the headrests airbags etc. While we were waiting for HP, and watching many close calls by rubber necks, sure enough, a SUV rear ends a pick up truck right in front of us.
Thanks guys. Dealing with medical stuff. They hauled my car off to an insurance auction yard somewhere. My turn to deal with low offers.

Agree with you Doc. Very scary accident your daughter had Laz.
Sorry to hear and hope the son recovers quickly... I think Doc and I went back and forth on this a while back... there has to be stiffer fines and penalties but honestly, it's very difficult to observe these people from the inside of a patrol unit... really need a spotter that's watching just for that and then radio a car the color, make, mode and gender of driver/offender... like is done for the seat belt enforcement waves.. without a spotter it extremely difficult with so many other things you are watching for. I'm saying that from experience....

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