Another New Tool........shrinker/strecher

Rat Rods Rule

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Still running with scissors!
May 18, 2007
the smallest town in the smallest county in the s
Well we bought a shrinker/strecher from Harbor Frieght..............Not bad for the price, but very difficult to work. It has a long lever in the back that needs a lot of pressure with one hand and leaves one hand to work the metal. We came up with this set up, foot operated. What do you think...........??



That's really ingenious Mr. 2 Tone. I have those same two tools and know what you mean about pulling those levers. That V8 theme is a very cool touch too.
I didn't know HF sold things as cool as the stand those are on. That has to be the coolest tool stand ever. Nice work. I am not a huge fan of HF stuff, but if somebody who turns out stuff like you do, uses their stuff, it must not be too bad.
I Love mine except....

The hand pump at times. I have a set of Shrinker/ Strecher also but mine does not have the foot pedals.
I was trying to think of a way to put a set of pedals on, so THANK YOU for the pictures, I know it has too be better then the hand pump way when your working on a long part. Do they just sell the base or would it be easier to Fab up my own set of pedals?
Here is my version of the T2T model..... I still have to put on the pedals, and rods. Thanks T2T.
Feels good to be back in the shop, even for a few hours at a time.

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