I have a whole whack of info on the subject, just haven't tried anything yet, way to many projects on the go to start another one. Green cast, sand cast, (much the same), Lost wax, foam, investment, (another group that is the same or similar,) and a whole lot of how to stuff. I likely have a book that covers just about every part of the subject on a beginner/amateur scale. Even picked up a set of shrink rulers for making molds. Someday I'll get to it and actually produce something. My pile of aluminum keeps growing in the mean time. The question on why not cans? They are so thin that they oxidize and turn into dross instead of liquid metal when they get fed into the melt at a slow rate. But even worse, any trace of liquid remaining in the can will cause a steam explosion and splatter molten metal everywhere, not good at any time. I'd like to find someone locally that is into this, and see first hand what it's about. Books are great, but hands on is where you really learn.