Rat Rods Rule

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      Admin reacted to Tripper's post in the thread Paid Membership? with Like Like.
      I used 'RRR Mod'! Feel free to assume that nic! ;)
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      Admin replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      I agree, hence my involvement. You guys have something special here. I would be very proud of that.
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      Admin reacted to forbigpicture's post in the thread Endless BS thread with Like Like.
      An oldie but still funny.... The Professor started the class by telling them, "In Veterinary medicine, it is necessary to have two...
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      Admin reacted to Old Stuff's post in the thread Rat Rod of the Day! with Like Like.
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      Admin replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      I'd prefer to be called admin. I shared my name out of respect. No biggie. I'm sure we've all heard horror stories about people being...
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      Admin replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      My name is Matt. I would be down for an alias though. Sorry for the delay. I don't usually give out my name, but I got to thinking...
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      Admin replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      Hey. I've been around. You've seen the changes. Upgraded software, upgraded servers. Outside of that I run a voluntary supporting...
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      Admin replied to the thread Paid Membership?.
      Apologies for missing this. Forum business is best placed in Announcements and Support. I am guaranteed to see that. It is legit. We...
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      Admin reacted to lowbudget50's post in the thread Redneck rotisserie with Like Like.
      My dad's buddy built this set of rotisserie stands a long while back and never used them. The got parked outside his shop and forgotten...
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