Recent content by Andy4639

Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Andy4639

    Wheels Up Wednesday... let's see 'um!!!

    My Hot Rod golfcarts.
  2. Andy4639

    My bikes... Bicycles to be exact

    I'm 64 almost 65 but I still like a cool bike. I built my first chopper when I was 13/14 in Charlotte NC. I rode that bike evrywhere. I helped build a few more for my brother and some friends as well. Fast forward to my 50's I built a couple more. Then I bought these 2 right before Christmas...
  3. Andy4639

    Fore! Golf cart to mini rod #2

    It was very nice talking to you today sir. I really enjoyed it. Hope you have a good stay in AZ.
  4. Andy4639

    39 years, as of 3-25

    I bought this truck back in 86 to drive to work. It has been through several changes over the past 39 years. It had 80,000 miles on it when I sat in it the first time. That number is on it's 3 time around now and counting. It has gone through a 307 with 3 speed when I bought it, then a 305 Fuel...
  5. Andy4639

    Steering wheels, got a kool one... let's see it!

    Sorry no. I had them on my old computer. It crashed and they went with it. I used stainless steel welding tig wire for the rods. The hub is wood that I epoxyed a aluminum hub into it with the correct splines for the column. The center cap is alumnium and has the v8 emblem I got of e bay. The...
  6. Andy4639

    Fiberglass bodies and wood...?

    Thank you sir, I have been looking for over a year now on this type of info for my next build. I promised my wife she would have a opening on getting in/out with. This explains it well. I think I can do this now.
  7. Andy4639

    Steering wheels, got a kool one... let's see it!

    My hand built banjo steering wheel. In my mini 32 Woody.
  8. Andy4639

    56 Chevy

    That car was a hoot to drive. It made it on to Charlotte speedway and also the Corvette proving grounds in Bowling Green when we took it on the Hot Rod Power tour. My dad after I installed the AC and he came to pick it up.
  9. Andy4639

    56 Chevy

    Just the normal 56 Bel Air with standard interor and small wheels, hubcaps and tires. I did add the Classic AC though. My dad and I bought this for him to drive. He was 92 when we bought it. at 96 he gave his D/L up and we sold it. I sure do miss it and he passed away this past August at 99...
  10. Andy4639

    Let's see some B4 & afters!

    Here is mine. 71 C 10 I've had since March of 86. Started out with the factory Green & White. Now it's Viper red and Gun Metal grey.
  11. Andy4639

    SC Murrels Inlet

    Thanks we love it here. We have had a house here 30+ years now full time here.
  12. Andy4639

    Another ground up for me

    If anybody is willing to give me some pointer's on cutting in the doors of my new body I'd be very appricative. The first one I didn't install doors and the wife refuses to ride in it. I promised her I'd cut her a opening on her side to get in and out. I don't plan on hanging the door back on it...
  13. Andy4639

    SC Murrels Inlet

    I sure hope so. I'm looking forward to hearing from him.
  14. Andy4639

    Fore! Golf cart to mini rod #2

    I know this is a old thread but I love to talk with zzrodder.