Recent content by BillM

Rat Rods Rule

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  1. BillM

    Nice to be here.

    Welcome Antoon. We would love to see some pictures of your collection! Your english is very good!
  2. BillM

    '34 Dodge Brothers, double build.

    Thanks MM.....Your latheing story made my coffee come out of my nose this morning!
  3. BillM

    Hello All

    Thanks for asking. Southern Ontario. My wife and I are the 6th generation to own it. It's only a little over 200 acres so not nearly enough to support itself but back in the day I suppose it would have been.....several generations ago! lol.
  4. BillM

    Hello All

    A belated welcome as well! My 48 build was a bit of a tribute to my dad and the farm as well, so I'll be watching.
  5. BillM

    My 40 Dodge Truck Build - Maybe a 41 LOL

    Your truck looks fantastic Coup! I like those tail lights, even with the lens's.
  6. BillM

    Back again

    Welcome back OG.
  7. BillM

    '34 Dodge Brothers, double build.

    You are one perseverant MF MM! Looking at your steering u joints though - are you sure you don't need a support bearing or two? I had a heck of a time with the steering on the 46 Ford I just finished and after many discussions with Borgeson, I had add one as well. He insisted that once...
  8. BillM

    Just enjoying a Hobby

    Welcome to the site. I look forward to watching your progress - start a build thread for us!
  9. BillM

    Cell Phone Holder

    That is really cool!
  10. BillM


    Welcome - I'm looking forward to following your build.
  11. BillM


    Welcome aboard AI.
  12. BillM


    Sad news. Lost another one. Rip Bama......
  13. BillM

    '34 Dodge Brothers, double build.

    No good deed goes unpunished MM. Your work looks great!
  14. BillM

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year fellow RR's!
  15. BillM

    So what do we do for seating these days??

    In my Thriftmaster I used the middle row from a mid 2000's Cadilac SRX. I removed the head rests, it has a middle console/cup holder that hides into the seat, and the passenger side folds and flips, allowing easy access to the rear and underside of the seat. I just installed Caravan seats...