Rat Rods Rule

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Jereme Espinosa

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    • Jereme Espinosa
      Jereme Espinosa replied to the thread Hey y'all.
      here's how she's starting. Rough, I get it, but the potential is there.
      • 1000005178.jpg
    • Jereme Espinosa
      Jereme Espinosa reacted to MercuryMac's post in the thread Hey y'all with Like Like.
      Welcome to Ratrods Rule, from northern Alberta. When I get back to it, I'll be working on a '34 Dodge Brothers truck.
    • Jereme Espinosa
      Jereme Espinosa replied to the thread Hey y'all.
      Sorry guys, I'm in Norcal, redding area more specifically. Appreciate the warm welcome. First time builder so I'm learning as I go.
    • Jereme Espinosa
      Jereme Espinosa posted the thread Hey y'all in Introductions.
      Just bought a 26 dodge brothers sedan and will be looking for advice in the near future
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