Recent content by sc5080

Rat Rods Rule

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  1. sc5080

    Sheets & Giggles

    I’m thinking of coming down next year but it will depend a lot on how well my knee lets me get around. I can’t promise anything yet but if my travels bring me into your area I’ll definitely reach out. Might even drive down in that “furrin sporty car” I bought recently. 😁 Dang but that thing is...
  2. sc5080

    Sheets & Giggles

    And so closes another chapter in my life as “Sheets” gets loaded up to go to a new home. Hopefully the new owner will have as much fun with the car as I did. Not sure if I’m happy or sad but I knew this day had to come eventually.
  3. sc5080

    Bug to Butterfly

    Nothing worth posting - life has gotten in the way of progress but I still hope to get back on it. Maybe after the next knee replacement.
  4. sc5080

    Motorcycle Monday! Got one, had one, love one... let's see it!

    For my 70th birthday I took up motorcycle road racing. After riding bikes on the street for 50+ years I thought I knew how to ride a bike but quickly found out I didn’t know anything. But I’m learning and having a lot of fun!
  5. sc5080

    I'm Gonna Build A Dragster!

    Not on as often as I like but I was able to answer all of Tom’s questions in a message. Still haven’t sold the car.
  6. sc5080

    I'm Gonna Build A Dragster!

    Yes, I run alcohol. The car has a very mild tune up - 10% overdrive on a non-stripped 671 that only makes about 10 lbs of boost and jetted to run fat. I could increase the overdrive or put on a better blower that I have but as Dave said it would impact the reliability and increase the...
  7. sc5080

    Bonneville - Here I Come!

    We were 1 day into the 3 day trip. It was still on when we went to sleep and cancelled when we woke up. Glad we found out before we went all the way to the salt.
  8. sc5080

    Bonneville - Here I Come!

    for the second year in a row the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials has been cancelled due to weather events that caused flooding on the salt flats. We are beyond frustrated ... and this may have been my last chance to be part of this effort. I hope not .... and hope we get a chance to run...
  9. sc5080

    Deuce of Spades DVD

    Member Offroadrolls has requested it be sent to him and has sent me his address so I'll be sending it on to him in the next few days.
  10. sc5080

    Deuce of Spades DVD

    The DVD arrived today. Will the next person in line send me their details and I'll send it along once I've had a chance to watch it.
  11. sc5080

    Deuce of Spades DVD

    Better late than never! :D [cl I'll be watching my mailbox. Thanks.
  12. sc5080

    Deuce of Spades DVD

    I sent my mailing address in a message to LB50 on Aug 8. Haven't heard anything from him in reply and still hoping to receive the dvd for viewing.
  13. sc5080

    Dream Shop

    Happy Hallowe’en to me. Or maybe it’s an early Christmas present. I’ve wanted a metal cutting vertical bandsaw for some time and finally found one I could afford. I think it’s a great addition to the shop.
  14. sc5080

    1965 IHC Scout

    Love the look of the Scout body. Here's a couple pics of my friends Scout ... built on a slightly different theme :D but its been lots of fun over the years. Based on what I've seen of your builds I'm sure you'll knock this one out of the park too!
  15. sc5080

    I'm Gonna Build A Dragster!

    Very sad that I wasn't able to travel down there this year ... it was in the plans but some things came up that drained the bank account and made it inadvisable (that was my wife's word - means "you ain't going!) for me to go. Still hoping for next year. I'm glad that you and Dave seemed to...