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So I still don't know what's going on???
I sent in $100 thinking it was Tripper is it not?
Someone else is controlling the site now?
I wish someone could put a sticky note up that all could see saying "don't donate money" until we get some answers. Support for this awesome site if fine, but the longer this goes on the more distrusting things get...
had the same problem for 3 days! Did you go thru that hCapcha BS? Most ridiculous having a machine trying to tell me whether I'm human or not. If I could get to his cord , I'd unplug him! Thought I was gonna have another stroke with that crap...
Gibbs from NCIS would be proud of ya! LMAO! I have the same love/hate relationship with technology. Dinosaurs unite! :ROFLMAO:
had the same problem for 3 days! Did you go thru that hCapcha BS? Most ridiculous having a machine trying to tell me whether I'm human or not. If I could get to his cord , I'd unplug him! Thought I was gonna have another stroke with that crap...
Yeah, went through that crap! It's still making me log in every time I get on even though I have the "remember me" or "keep me logged in" box marked.

Seems like the ads are gone? At least I don't seem to be getting them anymore and I haven't paid anybody. Now I say that, watch them come back....

Last site I paid in to the owner passed away, and his wife didn't renew it, so it went dark. That was the main reason I started my little site. With no more action than it gets, I may end up shutting it down. Had a few curious folks register and maybe make a post or two, then they disappeared. That's OK, at least I tried. Still get a little traffic anyway.

Who is Alan? Is that Tripper Jr? That's who signed my PM.
Last edited:
Apologies for missing this. Forum business is best placed in Announcements and Support. I am guaranteed to see that.

It is legit. We ran a special on our supporting membership. It's not required, but it is appreciated.

I would like to move this thread to A&S once people see my posts here. I caught it primarily because of this post so thank you so much @Old Stuff !

I check in, but I'm human so I miss stuff from time to time. Again, apologies for missing it.
I'd be glad to contribute, but won't do any of the electronic pay sites. If there is a way I can pay by personal check, I'll support the USPS and send it in an envelope!

[IMG alt="Tripper"][/IMG]


Older and more rusted every day!​

JoinedMay 10, 2007Messages14,190LocationCentral Tejas
Ok guys, I had been having problems keeping up with things since Tripper Jr. had a lot less time to work behind the scenes (as you probably know... he actually did all the heavy lifting). I didn’t want to just give it up & was able to find someone I felt comfortable with to keep it going forward. I’m not the Admin any more but am still around, just not quite as much! It’s not easy keeping forums going & I’m sure any help with donations will be appreciated!


Rust... Mother Nature's paint job... don't fool with Mother Nature!
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There is the answer. Tripper no longer runs the site.
I feel a little left out that this info was not passed along sooner.
I'll still check in occasionally, just not as regular.
Hope to see some of you guys on street and speed. Link below in sig
There is the answer. Tripper no longer runs the site.
I feel a little left out that this info was not passed along sooner.
I'll still check in occasionally, just not as regular.
Hope to see some of you guys on street and speed. Link below in sig

well... that`s a weird statement imho... wtf...
I thank tripper for building this place and as long as there are no crazy changes I don`t give a rat`s a$$ who owns the place..? In the end we , us and ourselfs are the ones who make the site, or? "Hope to see some of you guys on street and speed. Link below in sig" ... really? I would be kinda disappointed by a member posting this on my site. That might be an understatement.

Looks like this is what I paid:​

Purchased upgrades​

  • RRR Supporting Membership (Annual)$29.99 per year
    Expires: Jan 15, 2025
    Note: PayPal subscriptions can only be canceled from your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact us or contact PayPal directly.
    Here at Rat Rods Rule Forum we strive to provide a friendly and technical oriented community with limited advertising that works towards our radical auto interests. We have a Supporting Member program provides the much needed funds to cover all the expenses it takes to keep this great website running. We rely on this program to keep the lights running and highly appreciate your support!

    Rat Rods Rule Supporting Membership Benefits
    • Recognition of your Supporting Member Status
    • The ability to turn off advertisements
    • The ability to change username.
    • Maximum private message storage.
I talked to Tripper on the phone today. I thanked him for the many years he provided RRR/UDS for us. He could no longer lose money on the site and his son who did the technical support for free had other professional obligations. So he sold the site. Time will tell how much the site changes under new ownership. Voluntary subscriptions being the most obvious change so far.

It would be appreciated if the new owner would reveal himself and fill us in on where he intends to take RRR.
Also, it would be nice if the new owner would become a contributor and ultimately a friend, just like Tripper did.
The last hot rod forum that asked for "help" with funding died off shortly after I gave money to it. I got a few months out of my year subscription, then the site just disappeared.
Its got to be tough running a board with 6-8 active posts a day, but I'll be hanging around as long as it lasts.
The last hot rod forum that asked for "help" with funding died off shortly after I gave money to it. I got a few months out of my year subscription, then the site just disappeared.
Its got to be tough running a board with 6-8 active posts a day, but I'll be hanging around as long as it lasts.
That's about all my board is doing right now. Only about 4 of us are active on any one day. A little discouraging, yes, but it is what it is. But it's not stressful, LOL. Mine is totally ad supported, if it wasn't I couldn't do it either. It's still a place to keep up with a few friends that otherwise I might not be able to.

The last board I helped fund when the owner passed his wife didn't renew it or even give any of us the opportunity to take it over or buy it from her. We offered. I guess she figured it was his legacy and died when he did. That was her choice. Several of us offered to take it over but were met with silence. Now it only exists in memories and a facebook group that is only semi active.

Dutch, I've been pretty respectful in promoting my board here. I didn't want it to take anything away from here but be a compliment with the same atmosphere. I'm still not going to promote it other than let people know it's out there if they are interested. If you're not interested, that's fine.
I talked to Tripper on the phone today. I thanked him for the many years he provided RRR/UDS for us. He could no longer lose money on the site and his son who did the technical support for free had other professional obligations. So he sold the site. Time will tell how much the site changes under new ownership. Voluntary subscriptions being the most obvious change so far.

It would be appreciated if the new owner would reveal himself and fill us in on where he intends to take RRR.
Also, it would be nice if the new owner would become a contributor and ultimately a friend, just like Tripper did.

Hey. I've been around.

You've seen the changes. Upgraded software, upgraded servers. Outside of that I run a voluntary supporting membership program and allow all members to turn off ads if they are so inclined.

I have to strike a balance. The supporting membership program mostly gets ignored, so the only other alternative would be forcing ads and I just don't see that as a positive for the community.

So, from time to time I will ask for help. You can ignore it, or you can sign up. The sign ups are greatly appreciated and goes into the pot that keeps us online.

Aside from that, I'm a pretty boring dude with a pretty boring life. I'm sure we'll all get to know one another as the years pass. I'm happy to answer any questions though so let me know.
Apologies for missing this. Forum business is best placed in Announcements and Support. I am guaranteed to see that.

It is legit. We ran a special on our supporting membership. It's not required, but it is appreciated.

I would like to move this thread to A&S once people see my posts here. I caught it primarily because of this post so thank you so much @Old Stuff !

I check in, but I'm human so I miss stuff from time to time. Again, apologies for missing it.
You are very welcome Mr Admin. Every day is, indeed, an adventure. đź‘Ť

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