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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. selectedgrub

    Edelbrock carb

  2. selectedgrub

    Edelbrock carb

    And bug catcher $80
  3. selectedgrub

    How's your weather????

    Just popping in to check the weather.
  4. selectedgrub

    Kool Car Photos!

  5. selectedgrub

    How forums die!

    Alot still come to visit the weather thread.
  6. selectedgrub

    More junk art

    Thanks man, it's a hook in frame. I'll explain the meanings when it's finished. [cl Yes I like that: "INVENTORY" The flax has now been replaced with copper wire braided instead. It's less "organic" Thanks for looking.
  7. selectedgrub

    More junk art
  8. selectedgrub

    More junk art

    Bent and shaped a 7/8" U Bolt
  9. selectedgrub

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Bash guard, speed holes
  10. selectedgrub

    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    Thanks alot. Still needs a bit of work.
  11. selectedgrub

    The easy contest

    Good man. All the best and thanks for doing it.
  12. selectedgrub

    The easy contest

  13. selectedgrub

    Frame infills

    A layer of brass added
  14. selectedgrub

    Frame infills

    Drilled out bolt to use as a backyard "mill" guide.
  15. selectedgrub

    Bad Withdrawal.

    I thought this was gunna be about coming off heroin
  16. selectedgrub

    Frame infills

  17. selectedgrub

    Frame infills

    Oh wow thanks guys I appreciate the interest.
  18. selectedgrub

    Frame infills