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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    As long as we impressed the girls {and we did} we were cool.Ah, the good old days.[P[;):cool:
  2. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    Flipping the air pan over and cherry bomb mufflers were all we knew.Jacked up in the back and some wide tires were a must too.Our hot rods sucked but we thought we were cool.:cool::cool:
  3. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    I have no plans for using this engine in a rat or anything else and if I want a v8 I will get a 302 or 351, not a 350. Im a Ford fan All the way.Thank you for your comments.;);):rolleyes:
  4. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    It was wimpy.We replaced it with an old wore out 302 that was not much better but it did sound good with the cherry bomb mufflers we put on it.Makes me long for the days when things were simple and fun.[P[;):cool:
  5. NewIronRats

    Happy B-day to the old Bonehead!!!

    Sorry,double post.
  6. NewIronRats

    Happy B-day to the old Bonehead!!!

    Happy Birthday.I hope you enjoy the day and Many more too you..[P[;):cool:
  7. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    We thought it was funny and I guess it was at the time.We were 16 years and that kind of stupid stuff was funny to us.[P[;):cool:
  8. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    What can I say, teenagers hell bent on hot rodding.[ddd:p;)[cl
  9. NewIronRats

    Shop Bathroom Signs

    Now that is a good one.[P[;):cool:
  10. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    This is true but how many people on here can say that they still have the engine out of there first car ? Not many I suspect.[P[;):cool:
  11. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    It was a one owner car that I got when I was 15.It came from the factory with a 250/auto.[P[;):cool:
  12. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    For what it's worth, It came out of a 70 Mavrick not a 72.The old Mavrick was my high school hot rod and my first car.It was also the first car I ever wrenched on.[P[;):cool:
  13. NewIronRats

    Shop Bathroom Signs

    I love the first one.[P[;):cool:
  14. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    It ran good when we pulled it and droped it into the hole.Im mostly just wanted to see if anyone had ever done anything like this.I think I will play with it and see if I can get it cleaned up.[P[;):cool:
  15. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    All righty then, full speed ahead.[P[;):cool:
  16. NewIronRats

    Simple homemade brake

    Those are great. Im going to make myself several.[cl[cl[cl[cl
  17. NewIronRats

    rearengine rat truck

    Just goes to show that Anything can be cool if done right.I would love to hear it running.[P[;):cool:
  18. NewIronRats

    new daily and shop test mule

    Nice truck.[P[;):cool:
  19. NewIronRats

    Never drive in the rain or ice with cruise control on!

    I aint never owned anything with cruise control but I will remember this info.[P[;):cool:
  20. NewIronRats

    Ford 250/6, out of the grave.

    Crazy question,could an engine that has been buried in a shallow hole for 20+ years be cleaned up, rebuilt and used ?Im asking because my Mother has had some brush and vines cleared away in her backyard and she uncovered an old 1972 Mavrick engine me and my friend buried in a shallow hole 20+...