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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. chipper

    Kool Car Photos!

    It never ceases to amaze me the creativity that some people have and I always get the pics here first thanks guys :D
  2. chipper

    Endless BS thread

    Maybe a flat sheet of metal and an extention cord,drive the car onto the plate hook one wire to the plate the other to the wheel plug it in and wait. don't mean to sound cruel but I bet that dog won't be back
  3. chipper

    latest bonehead metal project

    Wow,, and a shop with a view....gotta love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. chipper

    Sinners coupe build

    Just a ? here how low will this coupe sit and have you ever run exaust pipes underneath, cause that frame is way cool ,from an old guy that builds on a dirt floor! Chip.................
  5. chipper

    Realistic Car drawings

    Very nice work I gotta use a straight edge just to draw a straight line :D
  6. chipper

    Gonna shoot a lil Blitz Black!

    Thanks for the tip Tripper the 31 coupe is going flat black I'll keep this in mind
  7. chipper

    What do you do for a living?

    Guess I'll jump in on this I own a trucking company 27+ trucks and we haul hazmat chemicals for Baker - Hughes halibrton and such but I also work as a night dispatsher for another trucking company good thing they are not my compatition needless to say I stay pretty busy and as a plug I...
  8. chipper

    BMW V12 Model A

    wonder how hard it is to get a electronic motor switched over to that type of setup? Man is that thing got my brain spining :cool: Very nice build....
  9. chipper

    Billetproof Florida 2012 photos

    Thanks Gas, That looks like a cool show thanks for takin' us to it. We may have lots of tin out west but you guys got all the cool get togethers. I feel a summer time road trip coming on...someday.......
  10. chipper

    Endless BS thread

    Hope yours goes better than mine I woke up 5 hrs later in ICU, 5 days in the room and 30 days later I was back on lite duty at work got me a lawyer:eek::eek::eek::eek:
  11. chipper

    Found this old junker

    Yes sir I am told it is a sickness of some sort ,,:eek: dragging home all this stuff, ya Don I have had several people want the c-dan even got it so far as loaded on the trailer for delivery,,,,I still got it, and Tripper I am afraid this year I got to bug out on the L.S.R, my father...
  12. chipper

    Found this old junker

    And what the heck am I to do with this thing ?? http:// It has to sell !!!!!!!
  13. chipper

    Found this old junker

    http://no rust, the doors open nice even the window regs work http:// http://
  14. chipper

    Found this old junker

    http:// http:// http://
  15. chipper

    Found this old junker

    While I was thumbing through the local paper I came across this http:// http://
  16. chipper

    Anyone lookin for a 6-71 blower?

    And lets not forget what happened to Shirly Muldowny in 1977:eek: that turned out to be a bad blower..............
  17. chipper

    Carnage on Larimer - 2011

    Nice pics, thanks for taking us to the show [cl
  18. chipper


    very cool mr. gussett I got a thing for those spagetti headers I would like a set like is on the backseat betty coupe nice work you do !!
  19. chipper

    Hello from Albuquerque NM...

    howdy from the southeast corner of N.M. hobbs:D
  20. chipper

    just some fun pix

    ok..nobody make any sudden moves :eek: