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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.

  2. bruno

    happy thanksgiving

    Steaks for two at my house.[dr[dr[dr
  3. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Will be waiting with baited breath!
  4. bruno

    Happy birthday sam fear !!!!!

    happy birthday!!!!!!!
  5. bruno

    Covid induced Ferguson TE20

    If the arms don't go down in four hours it needs to see a mechanic.:eek::eek:
  6. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Don.:):)
  7. bruno

    Jeep Engine Build

    I didn't know you owned a snowmobile Bob.:D:D:D
  8. bruno

    GM steering column problem

    Bama it didn't take you 2 years to fix it, was only 1 year and 359 days.:D:D
  9. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Excellent work[cl[cl[cl
  10. bruno

    Happy birthday cycledog !!!!!!

    happy birthday[cl[cl[cl[cl[cl
  11. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Will be waiting for pixs!!!
  12. bruno

    Don't forget to vote

    Everybody needs to do their civic duty and vote. Don't forget that if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain about who won or lost.:rolleyes: This is not meant to be political in any way.
  13. bruno

    My 37 Dodge pu build

    Yes it's still for sale! This is still the only place that i have it listed. Still a heck of a deal for somebody:)
  14. bruno

    My 37 Dodge pu build

    I'm still alive:eek: on here 2 or 3 times a day, just don't post much:)
  15. bruno

    Could Have Been Bad

    My 2000 dodge ram had the same problem 3 weeks ago. The metal line going to the rear rusted out, thankfully it happened in the driveway.
  16. bruno

    1951 Plymouth Coupe

    Are those new rocker panels inside the trunk? If so that would save money and time. The rest of the body looks pretty good.
  17. bruno

    Florida 1916 model T !!

    Says the listing isn't available anymore.[S
  18. bruno

    Custom Mopar ????

    Very nice Dr.C[cl[cl
  19. bruno

    Rat Rod of the Day!

    Me to, but only on 20 year old women[dr[dr
  20. bruno

    RPU, bodywork underway.
