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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. bruno

    Gastrick... RIP!!!

    Rest in peace.
  2. bruno

    Happy birthday i-r-pops !!!!!!!!!!!

    happy birthday
  3. bruno

    I'm so old...

    May, May, the 1st of May, outdoor kanoodling started that day.
  4. bruno

    A RPU of my own!!!

    Why would you want to paint your butt black:confused::confused:. Maybe you should invest in a bidet.:D:D
  5. bruno


    Two engine dragster.:confused:
  6. bruno

    happy b-day bonehead

    Happy birthday !!!!!!!
  7. bruno

    Custom Mopar ????

    Happy Birthday! Hope your health takes a big turn for the better.
  8. bruno

    I heard some clucking!

    Bad chicken! You need some hot chicken soup in this kind of weather.:D
  9. bruno

    looking for 1933 to1935 dodge pickup help!!

    Really like that pan/shovel[cl[cl[cl
  10. bruno

    Tripper takes another trip!

    Let's go Bob W !!!!
  11. bruno

    Happy Newyear everyone

    Happy New Year guys!!!!!
  12. bruno

    Great to be here

    Welcome to the greatest site on the web. You are going to love it here.
  13. bruno

    A Massey-Harris 33.

    I see your cat wasn't doing his job. :( You need to have a talk with him.
  14. bruno

    our 34 ford pick up

    All he needs to do is swap sides.
  15. bruno

    just some fun pix

    I did that once on my tongue when i was younger, but only once.:eek::eek:
  16. bruno

    Willys long cab

    I'm really liking that cj5.
  17. bruno

    before and after..

    Heck of an improvement[cl[cl[cl
  18. bruno

    Happy birthday doc !!!!!!

    happy birthday
  19. bruno

    Mailing Addresss?

    Still kicking.
  20. bruno

    Mailing Addresss?

    I don't think so as it would show all of the thieves where our rods are.