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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. eyesore

    R.s.c. Build off car!!

    That's the original frame? iSore
  2. eyesore

    R.s.c. Build off

    I'm in! [dr[P[cl iSore
  3. eyesore

    !937 Ford commercial truck

    That would make a great hauler! :D iSore
  4. eyesore

    Golfer gives caddie '73 Challenger he won in tournament!

    Golf, I just never got it! Give me a wrench, a grinder and a torch! Hard to believe someone could make that much money playing a game like that! :eek: iSore
  5. eyesore

    Happy birthday dmw56 !!!!!!!

    Hope it was a good day for you, happy birthday! [cl iSore
  6. eyesore

    It's monkey time!!!

    Monkeys oh hell no... they are disgusting animals and stink to high heaven and they bite when you least expect it! :eek: iSore
  7. eyesore

    Happy B-day RRR/UDS!

    Same here, thanks for keeping the forum going! Great info and a great bunch of easy going peeps! [cl iSore
  8. eyesore

    Moving with heavy tools

    What he said! :D Wondering how the front wheels were even touching the ground! [S iSore
  9. eyesore

    Can't attatch pics or emoticons

    The inner-web has it in for you ZZ! [ddd iSore
  10. eyesore

    Shop time!!

    Those screw-in fuses are a blast from the past, my granny's house had them! :eek: iSore
  11. eyesore

    hand built steering wheel

    Wow Bonehead, that steering wheels is very cool! [dr iSore
  12. eyesore

    My Dodge Bros coupe!

    I know you missed the big show but you made a lot of progress in the last few months, keep up the good work and keep us posted! [cl iSore
  13. eyesore

    The Darksyde 1941 Ford PU

    That looks wicked and I'm sure your neighbors hate you! [ddd iSore
  14. eyesore

    Bits and pieces, Leslie's car.

    Chopping the top's my favorite thing to do, can't get enough of it! :eek: iSore
  15. eyesore

    Happy birthday bonehead !!!!!!!

    Happy birthday guy! [cl[cl[cl iSore
  16. eyesore

    Here's another 400+hp LS hop up article!

    Here's an article for building a 5.3 liter LS motor with all the part numbers for making 400+hp! iSore
  17. eyesore

    500 HP LS motor on the cheap!

    Thought this was a cool article about buying a van with an LS motor & parting the van out! [cl iSore
  18. eyesore

    Check this article about swapping an LS motor!

    Cool article about swapping an LS motor with good resources & a detailed cost list! [cl iSore
  19. eyesore

    Ammeter gauge wiring

    Yeah, there's a reason they stopped using ammeters! I won't run one! iSore
  20. eyesore

    Here I go again...

    Z28 wheels, really? Is the front end steel or plastic? Should be nice with a little massage! :eek: iSore