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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Onequick26

    The got some art

    He is a local guy and he knows alot of the same people that I do here in town.
  2. Onequick26

    The got some art

    How did you get that pic !?
  3. Onequick26

    The got some art

    I'm going to try to get some better shots of the dash.
  4. Onequick26

    The got some art

    I had Jeff Allison do some work on my truck on saturday.
  5. Onequick26

    How hot is it??

    Upper 70's here on the dry side of Washington.. Just right in my book !
  6. Onequick26

    1930 ford coupe...snowmobile Here is a cool link to the Model T snowmobile club
  7. Onequick26

    1930 ford coupe...snowmobile

    That looks like a lot of fun !!! Cold but fun ..
  8. Onequick26

    1960 bel air

    I am a huge fan of the '59 '60 Bel Air's and Impala's !!! Nice ride !!![cl
  9. Onequick26

    Question about a car

    Cool car ! Build it ! Drive it ! Enjoy it !
  10. Onequick26

    Terror in the valley 2 Auto & cycle show

    Saturday July 16th from noon too 10pm !!! local is at the Peaceful valley community center 214 N. Cedar Spokane, WA . $5 to show free to look !!!
  11. Onequick26

    john deere trike for the road

    I like it !!
  12. Onequick26

    drifting a camaro at 240

    Love how is head is above the roll cage !!!!! That dose look like a fun car too drive !!!!!!!!!!
  13. Onequick26

    Proper use of tools

    That's funny but soooo true !!!!!
  14. Onequick26

    Cornfield Customs T-Shirts !!!!!!

    just waiting for pay day !!!! :D
  15. Onequick26

    manual tranny help!?

    The t5 would be the way to go ! Not sure how much room you have too play with but the camaro's the shifter sits way back on the tail shaft (and newer s-10) the older s-10 t5 is more of a top loader style ... Both will work great !
  16. Onequick26

    I want one !!
  17. Onequick26

    Name the car....

    A Mazda I think.. Can't Think of the model name but it was rotary engine car.
  18. Onequick26

    Tub job gone wrong !

    LOL ! I think ya nailed it !!!
  19. Onequick26

    Tub job gone wrong !
  20. Onequick26

    Guitars and such

    A friend of mine has been teaching me some bass stuff and now I'm hooked !!! I just don't know what is a good price for a used set up .. I am gona buy one here soon !!!