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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. 42chevy

    But Officer

    That is a good one!
  2. 42chevy

    Newbie from Iowa

    Welcome to the site. Nice truck
  3. 42chevy

    wedding wednesday!

    Congrats! I am happy for you and her.
  4. 42chevy


    Welcome and good luck! You will have fun with your project, I know I do.
  5. 42chevy

    New Rodder Here!

    Welcome! You will find much help here. I have never built a frame as my cars have been 40's and 50's cars.
  6. 42chevy

    All in the Family Cars

    great pictures. I wish my family had some like these, dad had a lot of cool cars but no pictures.
  7. 42chevy

    It's A Beautiful Rust ....

    Great picture!
  8. 42chevy

    ***1950's cadillac Fifth Wheel Parking Concept*** must WATCH

    It makes me wonder how they powered the extra wheel, it would take some torque to move that big of a car even a short distance.
  9. 42chevy

    Show off your snow!

    I can not compete with that much snow nor want to. The most we have on the ground at once is about 12 inches.
  10. 42chevy

    Adjusting valves

    You also can adjust them with the engine running if hydraulic lifters. It is messy but easy. You back them off until they tap then tighten half to three quarters of a turn, at least that is how I do it. You can get clips to limit the oil splash from the rockers or cut the top out of a set of...
  11. 42chevy

    Scam artist on the prowl.

    I can take care of your court problems for only a few thousand dollars, just send cash, I will PM you for your information. Just kidding. I despise thieves and scammers.
  12. 42chevy

    Introduction and plan; New Rat rodder

    Welcome! The 300 is a great engine. I built one a few years back, I used a RV/towing style cam, a Hedman header with dual exhaust with a 2 barrel. It had a lot of power and surprised a lot of people. I am a GM guy but that is one of F**d's best engines in my opinion. I would find a car you...
  13. 42chevy

    Somewhere in Canada.....

    I could have used that last week
  14. 42chevy

    Mean While in Australia....

    I used to be a logger and am glad to have used just regular saws with 32 inch bars. I couldn't have carried that one to de limb trees
  15. 42chevy

    Customizations you don't understand

    Louvers I do not get. Removing the fenders on 30's cars is something I feel takes away the character of the car. I know that is an unpopular opinion but they look so good with the fenders and running boards. I also do not get severe chops on most cars. There are exceptions to each of these of...
  16. 42chevy

    break problems

    Glad it is fixed. Thanks for letting us know what it was
  17. 42chevy

    Pontiac Catalina 421 Super Duty

    What a beautiful car! Quick also. I had a buddy that put a 428 Pontiac in a '66 Ford pickup, it was quite the sleeper. When asked what engine he would say 428 then pause and say Pontiac 428
  18. 42chevy

    And then there were ten

    Cool! I love dogs and puppies
  19. 42chevy

    off the wall engines??

    My '42 Chevy had an Olds 350 at first, I swapped an Olds 455 in for more power.
  20. 42chevy

    Through the windshield

    I love seeing wild life like that, never have my camera, Good pic