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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. 42chevy

    Hello from Washington State...

    Welcome to the site! Nice cars
  2. 42chevy

    Going to see my dad in hospital today

    My dad has been fighting cancer for awhile and has developed blood clots in his lungs. He is in hospital where I grew up 150 miles from here. We have been having real bad weather of course. I will have to wear a contamination suit to see him. I have had to take a few unpaid days to go see him...
  3. 42chevy

    1932 chrysler split window

    Welcome back! Look forward to seeing your progress on any of your projects
  4. 42chevy

    If you have a complaint!

    No complaints here.
  5. 42chevy

    What do you do for a living?

    I already posted what I do now, but here is what I did before. I went to work at a gas station at 16, then went to work pulling lumber at 18. The mill shut down and from 21 to 26 I was a logger (lumberjack), I ran a chainsaw limbing and bucking logs. I then went to college for office machine...
  6. 42chevy

    Oooops! I did it again !!!!

    That will be a very nice ride.
  7. 42chevy

    New from long island

    Welcome. Nothing like a big block for fun.
  8. 42chevy

    Eli... the Transformed Sedan

    Looking good. Great work.
  9. 42chevy

    my 51 chevy truck

    Looks good to me. That will be a nice truck to drive when you are done.
  10. 42chevy

    Mix and Match?

    I like it.
  11. 42chevy

    Hi From Puerto Rico!!

    Welcome! Looks like a great project.
  12. 42chevy

    Barn Find 57 Chev Gasser

    Very nice car! I love the Buick engine, nice to see something different
  13. 42chevy

    1959 Mercury Wagon

    Very nice work! Great looking car and very unique even in the US.
  14. 42chevy

    Dudes... ck out the prices these classic bikes sold for!!!

    Crazy money. Out of my pay range that's for sure.
  15. 42chevy

    TiredIronGRB's '34 Ford

    Very nice! You will make it awesome as usual.
  16. 42chevy

    Hello from Cusick,Wa

  17. 42chevy

    G'Day from Australia

    Welcome from Oregon. I have a niece that is living in Perth, she loves it there. Nice cars and thanks for sharing pictures, we love pictures.
  18. 42chevy

    A lesson to us all....or me anyway.

    Sorry for your loss. I try to work on my car in winter and back together for nice weather much like Sam said
  19. 42chevy

    Poor road conditions

    I drive quite a bit in bad weather and have for 15 years. Almost all people in the ditch are 4 wheel drive pickups and SUV's. Just saw a bad rollover Thursday, later found out she was on her cell phone in her 4 wheel drive pickup. My company car is front wheel drive and has snow tires and I...