About a year. You remember "Roddin Ron"? It was his but I bought it when he made me a deal I couldn't refuse. Had to rewire and put my motor/trans in it. Some stuff to make it my own!!
There's a small rod shop in Victoria Va. Run by an excellent fabricator named Mike Prather. About twice a year he promotes a car show in front of his shop. Free entry, no admission he pays for everything out of his pocket. Free food, dash plaques, free drinks. Mike loves old cars and loves to...
Earthman, I drove the Studebaker down there and just didn't take a picture of it. I had bypass surgery late July and haven't been back to normal for awhile but gettin better . This show is huge and the cars were lined up for over a mile, couldn't walk to the end so these pictures are only a...
This is the biggest show on the east coast now. Don't miss it! Noticed they changed the name but still great show and party.