Spent alot of time in you neck of the woods. Went to college in Iowa city spent alot of other time jumping into Pig Roasts with the Iowa Parachute Team (un-invited I might add) but always welcomed. Iowa is fun, just gotta know where to find it....ruggs
Thanks for the welcome Rev.
I somehow have a few posts now and realized that I never made an introduction. I'm gonna work on that, in fact I'll do it as soon as I finish this post. Anyway, this is 48flatbeds welcome so, I won't steal the thread.....ruggs
Well, We are about 125 miles apart but, I'm sure one day our paths will cross.
Keep building and keep posting pictures. I watch alot of sights and can tell you that you'll find the better builders here. Rat is one thing, Quality and safety are another......ruggs
Even on galvanised it would braze, just not very pretty and really smelly.
If everyone can wait till the weekend, I will build a mock-up over the weekend. I just happen to have come leftover mandrel bent tube and the copper....ruggs
Just when I thought I had something unusual I get beat. The guy is obviously a great fab man. My chassis is also 304 SS, just not polished yet. The man is way above my caliber in skills....ruggs
Getting back to the suspension, the diameter of the air bags will be very important based on the pivot point. A long arm on the bag side would allow use of a smaller diameter bag but, would lessen the movement. Lots of math to do before it is built...Ron
Starters that bolt horizontal use ( as best I can remember) a 153 tooth, vertical bolt pattern for the starter should be 168. It was all different with the bell housing......not hard to look up ,I'm just to lazy and already killed those brain cells......ruggs
I have the studs from years ago and new ones for my stud welder, trust me they don't work well. Position is so hard to get.....thats why we did them with pop rivets........ruggs