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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. BadRATT

    Mix for tank..?

    Sweet..thanks.. Thanks Metal twister...Heading over to buy the 75% mix right now....:D:D Welder will be here Friday..CANT WAIT...wanna burn stuff...melt stuff...FIRE..FIRE...hehehehehehe
  2. BadRATT

    Mix for tank..?

    I thought I had remembered about Argon but I found an ad that states the guy has several Argon tanks for sale.Some he says are 100% Argon...I thought you go with a mixed tank..75% Argon
  3. BadRATT

    47 chevy chop first time thats funny "Dont pay attention to the guys slinging mud they have nothing more to offer.." That was pretty funny...LMAO....When you post on an open forum,expect everything and grow some tough skin..Hmmm..I was told that VERY thing when I joined and heard a bunch of negative comments...
  4. BadRATT

    47 chevy chop first time

    UH... Man,thats one scary looking ride.Almost had to gouge my eyes out with a spoon...
  5. BadRATT

    What gage is this metal.?

    I was making a delivery today and started talking to the guy who signs my bill.Say he can get sheets of .050 metal,4 x 12 feet for 60.00.What gage would it make it..? Want to start making my bed and side rails for the bed.
  6. BadRATT


    Check da Bay. Just bought one for my build off of EBay.Got it for a good price too...:D
  7. BadRATT

    shipping a 27 T body?????

    Good guy to haul. Check with a guy who name is Ben D.I called him several times about rates and asked a few others who said he was the best.Check over on the H.A.M.B too,if you dont mind.His number is 1-417-818-0844.
  8. BadRATT

    Seen some stange front end builds ..but this..

    I always take a look at how cars are built and see how one does it.This one on Evilbay caught my eye....NEVER seen one done like this...seems kinda each his own... 150365585181 :D
  9. BadRATT

    Guess what I got

    Arrgghh... Mumble...mumble.....nice...I guess..:D:D
  10. BadRATT

    Ok..time tp play..HELP THE NEW GUY GAME..

    LMAO..ok..BUT I am still looking for an answer about install those radius rods...LOL...
  11. BadRATT

    Ok..time tp play..HELP THE NEW GUY GAME..

    Hands on your buzzers..uh..NOT that buzzer..( preverts..) This is a four part question...ok..READY players..? Now looking at these pics can you tell me where to place my rear radius rods..? Closer to the center of the axle..but just even with the outside of my frame..? The measurement from the...
  12. BadRATT

    Will these coil overs work.?

    Hmmm...checked with Speedway Just looked through there catalog and the highest spring rate for there's is 450 pounds...
  13. BadRATT

    Will these coil overs work.?

    I wish I had the money but I cant afford the REALLY expensive coil overs but I did find these.Wondering if they will work for the rear..EBAY item number 270437457111.Let me know...and thanks :D
  14. BadRATT

    Who figuered it out about TXGASSER.?!?!

    I was on ol'skool rodz web site when I passed over a posting about someone..( Or should I say WAS on this site..) named TXGASSER.I was floored when I read it...WOW,talk about sneaky.How can people be so low to do this..?!?!? I cant figure that part out.Here I was thinking about helping this guy...
  15. BadRATT

    Anyone read this article..?!?!?!?!

    Couldnt sleep last night so I am up cruising through different sites when I came across an article on a web site called "BREW Bikes LLC." The article was written by a guy named BREW DUDE and it was about brake cleaner and how it can turn into a deadly poison....I FLIPPED when I read the whole...
  16. BadRATT

    sins video

    WOW... How sweet..!!! Man thats awesome
  17. BadRATT

    hehehe Slip and slide

    Its not real.... Come you know the chances of them hitting it right..?!?!? I think its a fake...
  18. BadRATT

    Junkyard crawl and barn finds

    Is there prices..? So is this stuff priced of is this a teaser..? LOL Interested in the price,what looks like 1948 F1 red pick-up....
  19. BadRATT

    Dvaps 39 Chevy

    That DASH..!! Oh man,that dash is SO awesome.Is it the one that came with the truck..?
  20. BadRATT

    Chop time..!!

    Forgot.. 1952 F1 cab is the cut ...