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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. BadRATT

    Front spring problem.?

    The rest of the front end came today and started mocking a few things up..OK I WAS HAPPY as hell..!! I noticed something when it was together...the front spring is 2 inches wide while the perch bolts are only 1 and 3/4 inches wide.Now this has me kinda worried.Is this going to be a major or even...
  2. BadRATT

    Hair Pins (Who's Made'em?)

    My comment My comment wasnt made to stop someone from doing what they want to do,or building what they want to build.I do understand as I build my own stuff,that everyone has a way to do things.Its just I wont cut corners on a few things I feel make my ride safer.Being VERY inexperienced at...
  3. BadRATT

    Downriver Cruise in Michigan

    More pics Fell in LOVE with the black 63 Plymouth..!! Check out the paint job on that coupe.I LOVED it..!!!
  4. BadRATT

    Downriver Cruise in Michigan

    I really dont like going to these things but I really didnt want to cut the lawn or clean out the garage so I thought I would stop by..some some really cool cars too.
  5. BadRATT

    Hair Pins (Who's Made'em?)

    Why trust.? Why trust your life to something you made..? Sure its cool and you can brag BUT your life and the lives around you depend on parts that are perfect.I suggest you order from Ron Pope.I have talked to Ron a few times on the phone and he IS amazing.!!! His products are one the...
  6. BadRATT

    SHOCKS for 2600.00 dollars..?

    I thought that maybe I was too drunk and saw this wrong..BUT I dont drink..!! Ebay..... 120436462109
  7. BadRATT

    Picked up my engine today

    FINALLY got around to picking up my 305 I dropped off ages ago.:rolleyes: Had it bored .30 over,new cam bearings,new freeze plugs,hot tanked and the mains checked and had it decked all for 200.00 dollars.Seems like a good deal.Now the guy who does work said I should run cast pistons because I am...
  8. BadRATT

    Im in a MAGAZINE..!!!!

    Ok..well me and about 700 other Rat Rodders...!!! Go look at a Hot Rod Deluxe mag and look at the pic taken in the basement of the Detroit Autorama...Can you find yourself..!?!?!? Hehehehehe..I think I found myself BUT I did see of few others I know.Nice salute too....:D:D:D
  9. BadRATT

    DMW56 ..BANNED from KIB..?

    LOL....ok..its not funny..but it is...And I thought I was the only one getting banned from these sites:eek:...MAN,they hated me on Ruffrodders...and the H.A.M.B and on...ok
  10. BadRATT

    dont let this one get away

    LMAO..must have been hot Must have been so hot the FLAGGED IT and had it REMOVED..!!:D:D:D
  11. BadRATT

    Endless BS thread

    I HATE the word.. It makes my skin CRAWL I tell ya.....The word..RARE..!! Saw this on a episode of "Livin the low life"..A guy at a swap meet PAID 3000.00 dollars for an original compass.!!! HOW and the FRIG do you afford a 3000.00 dollar compass..?!?!?!? AND he had to ask the seller how low...
  12. BadRATT

    32 Ford Pickup's First Car Show with Video

    MAN...!! SWEET RIDE.....I LOVE the sound of the exhaust.!!!!
  13. BadRATT

    kool website link

    OMG....UH Anyone see the pic AFTER the 1950 chevy was for sale..?!?!?!?! I think...uh..I...hhmmmmmmm.....D A M N ..!! Thats HOT..!!! Im in love...:D
  14. BadRATT

    Not a NEW project yet...BUT

    Maybe made a deal Looks like they REALLY need money bad so I may get it for 800.00 dollars cash...
  15. BadRATT

    Not a NEW project yet...BUT

    I am always kinda on look out for maybe another project...yeah,yeah,yeah..aint finished my first one yet..when I came across this one today.Sent the guy an e-mail and I am trying to make a deal for it. Ebay item # 220435468148. Now I know its glass but why is there a gap where the top of the...
  16. BadRATT

    Endless BS thread

    I remember this stuff.. When I was a kid I had a collection of over 100 model cars..Mom got mad and threw them away...I think I am going to cry... I once took a gas powered car and made it a Hot Rod and launched at my brother...LMAO... I got mad at fishing once,so I took my Moms laundry maker...
  17. BadRATT

    How do i install king pins

    King pin reamer Before I did mine I checked almost everywhere..including EVILBAY.I found them for about 9.00 to 13.00 dollars at a local place called KITTS surplus tools.Production Tool also carries them.You gotta be able to search...:D
  18. BadRATT

    Endless BS thread

    More..and more... I LOVE cold Reeses pieces.... I HATE snow and cold weather... I went fishing once,and cast my line right into my brothers ELVIS sideburns..laughed so hard I fell out of the boat,he still beat me up.. Forward cable broke on my brothers outboard motor,we had to go across the...
  19. BadRATT

    Find a 36 inch front spring.?

    Spring number Number doesnt bring up anything...Called Speedway,spring they have..( 35 3/4..) cant be used on a frame with radius rods,only when using split wishbones..if somehow that makes sense.
  20. BadRATT

    need help finding wheel cylinders

    Wheel cylinders You really need to find out what rear end you have first.You may have to do some searching and sanding or grinding on the axle tubes to get the ID code off of it.They do look like Ford ones because I am doing my 9 inch right now and they look close,BUT you need to get that info...