And that is what all the fuss is about on this truck. Matching hub caps, shifter knob and horn button.
Bruno I'm mocking up twin turbos/roll bar combo :D
More tear down. some old bondo abuse :eek:
Thanks guys
Bead roller is working :D A pic of the a pillar for the old cowl next to the spare (new) cowl. last pic shows before, notice the cut at the top of the tank.
And it came with a house to live in :D
Slow going did get it bare minimum rolling chassis for the vin inspection to get title paperwork started.
back ladders are mock up. Then I got a wild hare and took some tin off
40+ hours a week back in drywall :( helping the little brother with his truck and trying to squeeze shop time in is getting old. Did get my FH bead roller tuned up. runs 16 GA on a 1/8" step die nice. Rolled a couple beads for some pratice.