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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. roddguy

    51 F1 Rat Rod

    Thanks Flat. You know we all face life's challenges and I truly believe there are there to help us grow and learn. I was very blessed to have the time that I did with my dad, and he made me realize how important the little things are. Even through all these challenges when doors seem to be...
  2. roddguy

    51 F1 Rat Rod

    Wow, I didn't think there would be anyone that would beat my wheelbase. Mine started out at 140" but I reduced it to 138". I felt that with such a large cab that to my eye in needed a longer wheel base than most to be in proportion. Now that being said I think Tiny's F1 turned out fantastic, and...
  3. roddguy

    51 F1 Rat Rod

    Thank you sooooo much guys for all your messages of condolence. It's an honor to be involve with such a great group of people that are here at RRR. It's been 6 weeks now since dad passed and it still seems unreal to me. I was up to his place on the weekend for the first time since the funeral. I...
  4. roddguy

    Looky what I just found

    Holly lucky dog Batman, that is one sweet find for sure. What are your intentions for this one?
  5. roddguy

    What a Bonehead!

    I'm with Pablo, he's only got some 3000 plus posts under his belt now....... way to fly under the radar Mr. Bonehead. Welcome to the sight. lol
  6. roddguy

    Score!!!!! Score!!!!! Score!!!!!

    HOLLY HECKABOB !!!! You lucky %&^%&^%$# LOL. I guess there are a few good deals still left out there. Great snag dude.
  7. roddguy

    51 F1 Rat Rod

    Hey guys I have some very sad news to report just when everything is looking up. I recieved a call last night at 6PM from Pastor Doug Brown. My Dad passed away yesterday late in the afternoon from a massive heart attack. Apparently he had gone over to the neighbours for a visit and was backing...
  8. roddguy

    Check out the deal I got on this car!!

    Being an autobody mechanic I've seen this sort of thing a few times...... even had some try to screw me knowing full well that I'm a mechanic too. Nice for you though. I'll give you a 1000 for it right now. :)
  9. roddguy

    Where's my government check!?!?!?

    That is life " in this rats maze " Push the right button, spin the right wheel..... get a piece of cheeze. Be happy, no worries mate.:rolleyes:
  10. roddguy

    Absolutely Inspiring

    Band again by Youtube Looks like they did it yet again. Give this link a try. :mad:
  11. roddguy


    Naaaa, I'm south/western Ontario, and I don't have enough money to invest. :rolleyes:
  12. roddguy


    Thanks for the shout out there Minnesota. :D Eh! ;)
  13. roddguy

    In case you Missed me.....

    First it's injuries and now this..... I think you'd best take the year off fella.:D Oh and I know about that north end south end stuff to, but around here it's "tastes like the east end of a west bound skunk" :rolleyes: Hope you get feelin better soon Flat.
  14. roddguy

    51 F1 Rat Rod

    Thanks for the kind words guys. So, just a little update here. Things are looking up and moving forward. Dad called last night and his new shop is almost done. Looks good for moving back into it by the first week in Feb. I'm actually going to be moving the truck again in March. I've got myself a...
  15. roddguy

    Absolutely Inspiring

    Band by Youtube I've been at home today, sort of a me day. I've been reading different posts from a couple sights, and I keep seeing talk about the condition the United States ( and the world for that matter ) is in. A lot of people are very concerned about the coming dollar collapse...
  16. roddguy

    In case you younus were wondering

    Or depending how tall you are, your eyes poked out. LOL
  17. roddguy


    Yeah, go with your first idea pablo. I think that looks killer cool.
  18. roddguy

    Old School Rodzzs

    Hmmmm, and just think....... there's a whole lot of year left too. lol. :rolleyes: Sorry dog, I couldn't let you off with that one.
  19. roddguy

    Another Barrett Jackson thread....

    Whatever happened to the Monster Garage show anyway. Seemed like one day all you heard about was Jessie James and the next ......... nothing. :confused:
  20. roddguy

    Old School Rodzzs

    I love that letterbox air cleaner.