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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 5::: SFBBPC - Submission Thread - Back In The Day....

    I'd say POPS is agonizing over all the cool pics.....lot of good stuff this round!! .
  2. Snake Farm

    Oh Rats!

    That Comet ragtop is one of my favorite cars! :cool:
  3. Snake Farm

    What do you think

    Pretty cool effects! Diggin' the skull too. :cool: .
  4. Snake Farm

    Traffic Pix

    Mine too! I love the Chevy II's in two door a '64 hiding in my garage patiently waiting for the 30 year mark so I'll do something with it. :o
  5. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 5::: SFBBPC - Submission Thread - Back In The Day....

    Here's my third one for this round...there wasn't much left of this Sunliner when I snapped this pic in the mid 1970's but I never tired of looking at it for several years as it turned to dust. You could still read "Love Me Tender" that someone had written on the dash in nail polish. :cool: .
  6. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 5::: SFBBPC - Submission Thread - Back In The Day....

    This is an approximate 1/43 scale loose interpretation of a Willys Gasser that I carved from a chunk of drywall compound/plaster....probably twenty years ago, maybe longer judging by the dust on it! The things I find sitting around in my shop. :rolleyes: .
  7. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 5::: SFBBPC - Submission Thread - Back In The Day....

    Okay, I'll throw in this pic of the hood ornament on my Willys for my first one.... .
  8. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 4: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    Thanks everyone! Looking forward to next round Sam. :cool: .
  9. Snake Farm

    Random GIF Thread

    That's the trouble with riding a one watches out for you! :rolleyes::D .
  10. Snake Farm

    Random GIF Thread

    Don't know what was in that truck but I'm bettin' it weren't chocolate sauce? [ddd .
  11. Snake Farm

    Really cool pattern in glass

    Yep I'm guessing that let go in the sixties. :D:cool: .
  12. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 4: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    I can't quit looking at that sunset through the Caddy! :cool::cool::cool: .
  13. Snake Farm

    Random GIF Thread

    Ahh, the "Sackrete Challenge" LOL [cl There's a ton of those on YouTube....much funnier than the ice bucket challenge. :D .
  14. Snake Farm

    Until we meet again...

    So sorry for your loss. .
  15. Snake Farm

    Jtk vs miley

  16. Snake Farm

    Whats that following me?

    Hope you do a build thread on it even if it isn't yours! :cool: .
  17. Snake Farm

    Random GIF Thread

    There's your problem boss....your raccoon-pinion is loose. :D .
  18. Snake Farm

    Golden Colorado Super Cruise 8-6-16

    Awesome pics! I haven't been to a thing this summer so thanks for taking me along in pictures to this one. :cool:
  19. Snake Farm

    :::ROUND 4::: SFBBPC - Submission Thread - Let There Be Light!

    One night last winter......... ......didn't put it away soon enough. :o .
  20. Snake Farm

    POLL: Round 3: Sam Fear's Big BIG Photo Contest :POLL

    Congrats guys! On to the next round so I can play again! :D .