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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. BruceR&C

    The Bonehead builds cow skulls for Tripper's 3X2 setup! AWESOME!!!

    A great idea for the tri-power, Tripper & another awsome job of executing an idea (as usual) by Bonehead !![cl[cl[cl
  2. BruceR&C

    Newbie out of Savannah, GA

    Firstly & most importantly. A heartfelt Thank You for your service. Spent some time @ Stewart when the 24ID was there. Now, Welcome to RRR, Ducky. You should like it here. Lots of knowedge & none of the drama of other sites.
  3. BruceR&C

    some what new guy

    Welcome to RRR, Dixie Hot Rodder.
  4. BruceR&C

    I guy from Vine Grove.

    Welcome to RRR, mike. Nice intro. Got my love of cars from my Dad, too. Quite a few showsa in the area. Two this weekend. One in Stephensburg at the school & the BOSS show on post @ the PX. If you check out the BOSS show stop by the green 47 Chevy truck& say hey to the old guy with the long grey...
  5. BruceR&C

    newbe from ford country KY

    Welcome to RRR, outlaw.
  6. BruceR&C

    New Girl from Oklahoma!!!

    Welcome to RRR from the Bluegrass, MrsRatrod. The wife's an Okie.
  7. BruceR&C

    Hello from southern New York

    Welcome to RRR, BatCave. Nice looking 55.
  8. BruceR&C

    Anyones neighbor ever.....?

    My neighbors like my rides & don't even mind the occasional loud engine @ 2am. Tho I try to keep that to weekends. :D
  9. BruceR&C

    Hello from Northeastern maryland

    Welcome to RRR, snrkld. No aversion to small rods here.Besides MG's are :cool: little rides. Tho we do require pictures.
  10. BruceR&C

    Trucked Up's Latest AD Chevy Pickup

    Good looking 54.
  11. BruceR&C

    Hello from Kentucky

    Welcome to RRR, from E-Town, Brian. Can't beat the price of the Apache and other stuff. An Olds Rocket in that truck would be interesting & different. How about some pics of that Apache ????
  12. BruceR&C

    straight 6 engine ideas

    ^ sure did,,,,230 & 250 ci versions in Tempests & LeMans from 66-69 & Firebirds from 67-69.
  13. BruceR&C

    new guy from Memphis

    Welcome to RRR, Mark. Hmmmm,,,used to have a rule about postinf pictures of alleged rides. [S [S :D
  14. BruceR&C

    Hey from GA

    Welcome to RRR, Willie G.
  15. BruceR&C

    Hello from Arkansas

    Welcome to RRR, Cord. Nice looking car & project.
  16. BruceR&C

    Alabama rats?

    I'll definitely announce our arrival when we get there.
  17. BruceR&C

    Anybody else ever been banned from Killbillet?

    Darn it,,,,,,,,[ddev been banned, too.
  18. BruceR&C

    hi from central Michigan

    Welcome to RRR, bighroder.
  19. BruceR&C

    Greetings From the Farm

    Welcome to RRR, zz. Great bunch of folks here.
  20. BruceR&C

    Gastrick is a BAD influence!

    Nice find Don & at a great price, too. [dr[dr