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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Rat33pickmup

    A little weekend work. Anybody else?

    Well we got about 15" + of snow so the only things I got done were the floor and radiator/grille support on the 33. and Gas, that looks AWESOME. Jim
  2. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    here is one of the interior, I am going out later today to take pics of everything ive done so be ready this evening. Jim
  3. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    well, its been cold and snowing off and on. We got 15" + on saturday evening after a Friend Wes came over and shot these pictures for me. I have the floor finished and the radiator support all made and with a few small things it will be ready to pull apart and "maybe" paint everything flat green...
  4. Rat33pickmup

    Your opinions requested on front suspension topic.

    my 64 ford pu has a Camaro frame clip in it and the truck sits with STOCK camaro ride. Jim
  5. Rat33pickmup

    still crazy

    Tripper, looks like a 46 Chevy Sedan Delivery to me. Jim
  6. Rat33pickmup

    Anybody Else ever build a FRAZER????

    Kaiser and Fraiser were the same basic body. I will post pics ( when I scan them) of the 47 Kaiser I had when I was 18, nice montana car I lowered it and a few other things but sold it because I was stoopid. wouldnt mind getting mine back the guy that bought it has it sittin in blackberry vines...
  7. Rat33pickmup

    YoungBlood here

    Welcome to the best place this side of anywhere. Jim
  8. Rat33pickmup

    shortened it up

    and people always say size matters, in this case Shorter is better. looking good Pablo. Jim
  9. Rat33pickmup

    been busy

    ohh thats right you are in Moses Hole, I was kinda close. My sister lives in Othello. Jim
  10. Rat33pickmup

    New Old Schooler here

    welcome to the Tripple R, sit down and spend DAYS now reading post, get to know the guys and gals. Jim
  11. Rat33pickmup

    been busy

    hey Ronny, thats a bitchin Plymouth, love the way it sits. I might have to run to Pasco someday and check it out. We decided on a Car Club name for here on the east side "Recycled Iron" friend of mine came up with it. Keep up the good work and HURRY up mines almost on the road. Jim
  12. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    and the last 2 for the evening
  13. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    Lost, here are some pics, will get better when I can roll it outside and its daytime. Well to say the least it wasnt an easy task, ive had toyota door latches for a long time and the doors are skinny, would have been easier to just buy the bearclaws but I did make it work (thats what its all...
  14. Rat33pickmup


    hahahahahahahaha now thats funny. Jim
  15. Rat33pickmup


    Cycle, isnt that T-shirt and shorts weather? hehehee wait, maybe thats just me. Jim
  16. Rat33pickmup

    Hey guys. New dude here.

    Welcome to RRR Nick. Jim
  17. Rat33pickmup


    welcome to the best place around Jim
  18. Rat33pickmup

    just sayin hi

    welcome to the 3 Rs Jim
  19. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    so lastnight I got one of the doors hung and found out I have to build the bottom of the door jam a lil heavier but the suicide doors are gonna be cool. pics to come later today. Jim
  20. Rat33pickmup

    33 Ford pickmup

    thanks again everyone, 33K for a truck I have to build? I dont even have $600 in my 33. Jim