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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Bamamav

    Unhappy People

    Didn’t realize they had kicked you off dmw. I’m still there, but I get so mad at some of the stupid stuff they get worked up over I just shut it off and go elsewhere. RRR and mustangs and more are my models for my place.
  2. Bamamav

    Unhappy People

    Me too Gene!
  3. Bamamav

    Unhappy People

    I was directed here by a member over on the HAMB, been here ever since. Much better atmosphere here! There are several of us on both sites, I try and direct others here as well when they are like me, just don't fit over there but stay for the information. I just started my own board mostly for...
  4. Bamamav

    Another place to waste time, LOL!

    I just figured I’d give folks here a chance to look it over and join if they wanted. I’m not going to be posting anything here about what goes on over there. If Tripper doesn’t want me to mention it here, I’m ok with that, his house, his rules.
  5. Bamamav

    Another place to waste time, LOL!

    I have started up a new place to waste time. :) Not meant to be competition for here, but more a companion if you will. I'm covering everything from 1946 up to 1990, especially street cars and drag cars. It's pretty basic for now, if it grows I'll upgrade to better stuff. It will be slow to...
  6. Bamamav

    Crapper Tank Arrg

    All that stuff is pretty, but too cluttered for me! I'd rather have a big open yard full of grass.
  7. Bamamav

    My MIG has issues

    That’s funny, I’ve dipped 7018 rods in water to make them weld better! Seemed like it cooled the puddle down a bit and I didn’t get as much blow through. May have just been my imagination, too.
  8. Bamamav

    My 40 Dodge Truck Build - Maybe a 41 LOL

    Not what you wanted to hear, but you can rest easy now you know you didn’t destroy it right off the bat. The original builder sounds like he sorta knew how to put it together and either got in a hurry or didn’t care. Rod welded to crank to balance it? I’ve heard redneck, but that takes the cake!
  9. Bamamav

    Title ?

    The bad thing about not having the numbers match on paper and metal is if some smartass cop runs your numbers and they don’t show up or worse yet show up stolen, then you got problems. Only way those historical documents are any good is if you can stick those numbers on your metal. But the Feds...
  10. Bamamav

    Did you ever swipe the parent's car?

    No way! They just barely let me use one of theirs, and they kept the keys in their pockets I had been married probably 3-4 years when my pickup broke down, I was surprised when they let me use theirs for a couple of weeks until I got mine fixed. After that, I used it again a few times, even did...
  11. Bamamav

    Title ?

    We never had titles before 1975 here, bill of sale only. Now, it’s a rolling 35 years, every year it gets one year newer. Some states will accept a AL bill of sale as proof of ownership, some won’t. Check your state DMV website, it should tell you what’s acceptable.
  12. Bamamav

    Hi, my name is brian

    I drove for a living for about 40 years, but I’d still rather drive than ride passenger! I don’t ride with many folks. I like the convenience of FI and computer controlled stuff, but I despise having to work on them! That’s why anything I build or put together gets a carb and usually a points...
  13. Bamamav

    Super Bowl Sunday!

    Yeah, I’m no longer into sports either. Too much money. Don’t watch racing anymore except drag racing. NHRA, NPK, Street Outlaws. Even with the improvised drama on some of the shows, the racing is still pretty good.
  14. Bamamav

    Rear end for Model A with transverse spring.

    Yeah, it will give you more options on wheel offset. I didn’t know if you were aware it was wider than the 2wd axle.
  15. Bamamav

    Long Time Motorhead-First Time Rat Rodder

    Welcome to RRR. Looks like a fun car, got any more pics so we can see a side view and from the front?
  16. Bamamav

    Rear end for Model A with transverse spring.

    S10 4wd axle will be 2” wider than the 2wd version.
  17. Bamamav

    other hobbies?

    Billy! I just noticed you commented here! Good to see ya back! How’s things going wherever you are now?
  18. Bamamav


    I couldn’t support another wife, one’s enough….oh wait, wrong answer. :D Mine has always been supportive, she’s as much a gearhead as I am. In the past she has helped me pull transmissions, start header bolts, pull engines, sand, you name it, she’s probably helped me do it. She doesn’t get out...
  19. Bamamav

    Second Wind - a Packard Gasser

    Jewelry!!! That looks great ZZ!
  20. Bamamav

    Rear End / Disc Brake Assy

    I agree, Ford used a set of tiny drum brakes for the parking brake on the rear disc. That gear wheel is part of the adjuster, just like on full sized drum brakes.