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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. E

    Paaaaa UUUUUU

    I`ve used tomato juice in the past and worked good and dawn soap.
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    How I legally registered my rat rod with no title

    what about pro title service? 111
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    Tool Box Idea

    tool box I like you tool box very much. Their are commercial versions available but yours I like better. Tools and tool box. Better to have and not need than to need and not have.
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    Location Poll

    frum SW Ohio
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    Rubber drilling, or drilling rubber?

    whut to do I have drilled rubber a size larger than needed. Ground a point or taper on your bolt and thread in.
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    My Valiant and memories

    great read envious of you. my memories are not as happy
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    NAPA auto parts cruise in 10-22-16 sw Ohio

    NAPA parts is having a cruise in tomorrow 10-22-16 in Middletown Ohio, SW OHIO 45042. 513-422-3693. 9:00am-5:00pm, raffles several, dash plaque first 150, customer choice award plaque too.. 700 North university blvd, ( old Montgomery store) Grand reopening of new store.
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    Tweakers and thieves

    lowbudget your last post told me things I did not realize. thanks for up date. again not downing anyone. the comment from sheriff dept friend sounds good. but as mentioned give the correct thought before actions. not much time but do your best. a shot fired can not be recalled.
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    Tweakers and thieves

    not putting you down !! some constructive comments. understand not putting you down. first it sounds like you did not want to catch him. you holler then get gun from safe area. get gun catch him or pop a couple rounds at his feet. you yell was a warning. think about locking tool box or adding...
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    12v to 24volts?

    12-24 volts get a hemmings book look thru and find the automotive electric section. find one that does heater, vent motors. drop some coins on a phone call.
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    Retired at Last!!

    me retired too I retired 9 yrs ago when my last employer went belly up. I wish I could of retired at 20 yrs. old. Love every minute of it. Although I am slowly getting more and more crippled up thats life, I`ve accepted it. Oh yes, to me the best thing about retired means I do not have to do...
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    Tools Needed for a Beginner

    tools disappearing ? I am a geezer, 72. I was taught by my Dad to never loan your tools. They mysterious never are seen again. My Dad only let me use his tools at home. Never at my house. I taught this to my son and am teaching to my grandsons the same. As many of you some are custom made, as...
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    SBC Overheating

    me too I had a built 283 in a 64 j10. I removed the thermostat and that helped but not enough. An older hot rod buddy looked in to radiator and decided not enough water flow. Replaced water pump to no help. End of story took motor down and used a wire brush on a drill and cleaned out all water...
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    Rat Rod of the Day!

    good One of the best night vision shots I`ve seen. Congrats.
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    news I live in SW Ohio north of cinn. When I look at tv news when they get to the 3 murder or shooting I change channels to watch something I enjoy. You ever set and watch the test pattern? Not bad with a cold one or more.
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    Downtown Car Shows

    good deal There are two towns in my area that do the downtown shows. They have two shows each. One is bike cruzin and show. Other cars, trucks cruzin and shows. At each they close off downtown. Main intersection on each side of main drag they have music. One side is country and blue grass...
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    another one that makes you scratch your head..

    my b---s ache maybe if it has a different front. Change the interior color. Reconfigure the mid body section. Change the wheels. Alter the rear part. Put a top on it not rag top. The color I could learn to accept. If it were mine I`d love the selling price. If I owned it as is ??? A very...
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    different very, very different. has some nice looking farts on it. I like the bull horns, the headers, but of course the west coast murrs.
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    craigslist score!

    beauty is in the eyes of beholder or builder vvv