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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. C

    14 inch tall globe beer tap handle for shifter

    1 st. things 1st. Located in Webster,Florida Price is $40 shipped to lower 48. This one is alittle different. Stands 14 inches tall Made out of aliminum ,has world globe at top with logo ANHEUSER World select lager beer between each of the 3 support bars Threads are perfect. P.M. if you want...
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    vinyl dye or paint Used some on a golf cart seat and its held up for 2 years,course the guys parks it in a shed not out in the sun continiously.:cool:
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    1742 Do look better,cheaper and look like backs fold forward for access to the cooler. Sure look more comfortable than the old rockhard bomber seats that are way over priced these days.:cool:
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    I need some ideas (Post moved from Builds Forum)

    RAT With all the Jag stuff,wheres the rest of the Jag?Heck if someone can ratrod a Corvette,why not a Jag. Thats what rat rodding is all about. Be original and do your own thing.Copied Ratrods are about as boring as a car show with all the same brand and year of car in it.:cool:
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    There's bad oil out!

    new oil This has been going on for a long time with the new oil messing up older engines.Common sence should tell you that an engine that was born and raised on 30 weight oil that its not a good idea to use 40 or 50 weight in. Kinda like the deal with our old hotrods not running worth a crap on...
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    Mancave a.c. Sparkplug telephone.

    sold item Yeah,Charlie Davidson,its kinda hard to sell anything these days so I guess I got carried away by selling something so quick.:cool:
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    Finally--First drive

    Dually rat Killer build,you gotta build you a dually trailer for it. The little teardrop would look like a Peterbuilt pulling a VW. Bet you had a killer grin the first time out.[cl
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    Mancave a.c. Sparkplug telephone.

    ac phone SOLD-SOLD SOLD.:cool:
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    Mancave a.c. Sparkplug telephone.

    A.c. Phone. i HAVE A SALE PENDING AND IF IT FALLS THROUGH YOU ARE 2nd IN LINE. live in Webster,Fla. about a mile from where the SWAPMEET IS.:cool:
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    Mancave a.c. Sparkplug telephone.

    Yeah,this thing is neat,you just pick it up to answer and when you are done sit it on the bench to hangup.Guy has one that he gutted and made a shifter handle out of.Looks neat.:cool:
  11. C

    Mancave a.c. Sparkplug telephone.

    A.C. sparkplug telephone,works perfect,just hook up the phone line No batteries or electric needed.Made back when everything didn"t have to have a power source to work. It stands 10 inches tall.Will ship $80. Located in Fla.:cool:
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    Idiots with impact guns!

    impact idiots. Hate to say it but common sence is something that can"t be taught or trained.9 out of 10 drivers these days can"t even put a spare tire on there car and don"t even know where its at in the car.Had a guy at the swapmeet come up wearing a GM certified uniform and ask me what the...
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    Bad Master Cylinder???

    brake problems As 42 Chevy said bench bleed the master before installing or you are just wasting your time and money in fluid.Even brand new master cylinders can be bad. If you just install the master without bleeding it can be partially working but you can fight it forever and still not get...
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    Crossram or tripower what say u ?

    3-deuces A 27 with 3-deuces just goes together. A 27 with crossram looks as out of place as the new shoebox kits that are mounted on the T-bird bodies.3-deuces are my pic and you can make yours different by coming up with a different air cleaner system than everybody else.:cool:
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    Carb Identification

    Gasket Thin gasket material and a really small ball-ping hammer and you can make one yourself. It takes alittle practice but is simple to do.:cool:
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    Mom says I need help... she's right

    Camaro You are still young ,don"t sink to much into the Camaro because its $3500 tops but love of things can make a man do some crazie things.:cool:
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    insurance Whatever co. you go with be sure to read all the fine print.Restrictions on use,how its stored,inside or not and more.Don"t just sign up because its cheap.:cool:
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    Electric Cowl Help

    cowl vent. A power mirror actuator will work for the vent,but as suggested early find you some back door van lift rods for the hood. Automatic hood,time to step away and think about that one.:cool:
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    fun guess? Weight question??

    weight Well considering each tire and wheel weights at least 150 to 200lbs ,engine goes about 600 I"d say 3250lbs.:cool: