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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. 24dodge

    Hey BONEHEAD...

    thats some beautiful country you live in Bonehead.
  2. 24dodge

    Extreme Engine Makeover-Hemi Time

    gonna be awesome !!
  3. 24dodge

    BENCHRACE Speed E-zine

    That is a fantastic mag , thanks very much for sharing it with us !!
  4. 24dodge

    Well whatcha get

    I bet if I do , i`ll have one of "those" grins..........:D
  5. 24dodge

    collector's choice motor oil

    I believe that if you use any diesel rated oil you should be good , `22 will know better than me , but I think they still put all the "good" stuff in the oil that older engines require.
  6. 24dodge

    Well whatcha get

    OH , and I got this strange candy from my wife.......:eek:
  7. 24dodge

    Brought my son home today! Best Christmas present ever!

    Can`t get a better gift than that , congrats !
  8. 24dodge

    Well whatcha get

    I got a "new" (1968) Penncraft stick welder at a church sale and a Eelco dual carb adapter.....hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. `24
  9. 24dodge

    Over 600 pics in one thread....yeah.

    interesting truck , 46 or so ford with IH front sheet metal
  10. 24dodge

    36 international

    my 34 cab is 60" wide 51" tall and 51" front to back , weight about 250 lbs , i`m guessing
  11. 24dodge

    headlight help

    these are 13 inch on my 32 chevy
  12. 24dodge

    sock and awe

    pretty funny game ..... see if you can hit Bush with a shoe :D
  13. 24dodge

    spray adhesive

    its held up in the 100 degree Florida heat ....
  14. 24dodge

    Engine pictures

    here ya go `22 , this is a Hispano Suiza engine from a WWI fighter plane , I think later they found there way into race cars and passenger cars
  15. 24dodge

    Engine pictures

    22 , I may be wrong but that looks like a Hispano suiza engine
  16. 24dodge

    Nostalgia Drags/Show Pics

    oh , those birds are sand hill cranes ....they don`t like it when you get near their babies...
  17. 24dodge

    Nostalgia Drags/Show Pics

    Sorry I had to miss this one , had to work ... the purple 59 vette belongs to my neighbor John , he likes to do burnouts in front of my house when he sees me in the yard.....:D
  18. 24dodge

    Looking for a little help to identify this

    looks like a horn cover.
  19. 24dodge


    thought you guys might like to check out this cool depot hack ..........