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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. 24dodge

    Early Hemi Build

    sweet ...
  2. 24dodge

    1920's Dodge Funeral Car (truck)..

    another DB.....
  3. 24dodge

    1930 Chevy

    Oakland doors will fit , I used them on my `32 pickup , probably wont help you much as they are as hard to find as chevy doors , but you might check other GM doors to see if they might work.
  4. 24dodge

    What is it?

    I believe thats called a slant back , wonder why the fuel filler is on the opposite side ? maybe its a `36 ?
  5. 24dodge

    steering wheel repair

    finished my other Lincoln wheel today , its a shame that this one was an original translucent red one but it was a mess , and I couldn`t afford $1200 to have it redone
  6. 24dodge

    Trailing arm - 1/4 elliptical spring question.

    that looks excellent ! great job , really interesting
  7. 24dodge

    First Time!

    cool pics `22 !
  8. 24dodge

    '50 GMC Daily Driver

    hey Bob , here`s another one for you......
  9. 24dodge

    Bradenton Nostalgia Drags

    November 1&2 , heres a link
  10. 24dodge

    what do ya think

    that Hudson is a really nice looking car , congrats !
  11. 24dodge

    Inline 6 carb setup

    mine is non progressive and just a straight shaft mounted to some old eelco arms , I don`t think it will help much.
  12. 24dodge

    How Many Hot Rods?

    I would think that 1 million is a good number , I also think that as far as legislation looks at it , they are only going to consider how many are actually titled registered and insured , there is a huge number of rods that are under construction that may never show up on their radar.
  13. 24dodge

    Steering... Will this work?

    you can remove the index on the shaft and mount the arm in any position you want, it looks like it will work as is
  14. 24dodge

    Chevy I6

    I would think there would be alot of heat transfer from the exhaust to the intake if it were built in one pc. , I think that you could find out if there was any interest in your idea by building one and putting it on ebay , the audience there is huge
  15. 24dodge

    Weekend Progress Anyone?

    Yes , it took a while to get them hot enough to bend
  16. 24dodge

    Weekend Progress Anyone?

    after I made my nerf bar out of the anti sway bar , I had just these two pcs. left over , the link ends of the bar , being a cheap b%#@*d , and not having the ability to throw anything away , I built some headlight stands out of the remaining pcs.
  17. 24dodge

    Early Hemi Build

    I would check the crank gear with a dial indicator now that you have the crank in the block , just to make sure the gear doesn`t have an eccentric path with the new key in it , it would be tightest the when the keyway comes up on the dial indicator and loosest 180 degrees from the keyway .
  18. 24dodge

    Chevy I6

    here is the 194 I just built , it has 3 81`s BobW and DMW56 also have multi carb set ups on their late 6`s
  19. 24dodge

    Early Hemi Build

    are these the slots where the money goes ? :D , did they end up welding the crank snout ?
  20. 24dodge

    Hubcap Clip Replacement

    now that you say that , I can see it , at first I thought it was the Desoto knight mascot