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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. willyD

    1931 Chevy 4door into pickup.

    There's supposed to be a really good show in West Yellowstone too. You might look that one up as it seems like running the shows is your thing:)
  2. willyD

    Pictures of my 51 Ford With some CJ Style

    Welcome to the board! There are a bunch of great guys here! I agree with the rest, it's got a lot going for it but it's too long and heavy looking in the front. If you have pics of the build up to now, start a build thread and keep it going as you mod and tinker with it!
  3. willyD

    1931 Chevy 4door into pickup.

    Man, you are getting into that final stretch now! Still a ways to go but getting there. Looking really cool. If you ever get down to Bozeman, give me a shout! I just noticed that you welded the steering column in! I don't think I've ever seen that done before. Did you do it that way...
  4. willyD

    36 Ford Bobber Build

    I got the front edge of the passenger side door blended. I used 1/8" mild steel rod to form the edge then welded in it solid and ground it down. I figured out only a little late that using a file for the finishing passes on the edge and for rounding the edge off is much easier than using the...
  5. willyD

    :::ROUND 1::: Sam Fear's Big Big Photo Contest - Official Submission Thread

    I haven't been hastled about the shotgun at all. It's screwed on pretty well and the breach is completely blown out of it. My gunsmith friend gave it to me for the project because it is unrepairable so I figure I have some argument to make if a cop does say anything:D
  6. willyD

    :::ROUND 1::: Sam Fear's Big Big Photo Contest - Official Submission Thread

    Thanks! The shot of the REO with the maple is fantastic by the way. I may just have to snag that for a desktop pic :D
  7. willyD

    '39 dodge truck powered by a 6.7 cummins

    Lookin good. Man that's a lot of wire!!!!:eek:
  8. willyD

    1929 Essex/Truck

    That's pretty much what I had read too. I've also heard that it isn't as good from other places. I figure, for the price it is well worth it. And the smell does go away fairly quick. Fabreeze actually helps a lot if it's bothering you.
  9. willyD

    1929 Essex/Truck

    I've used basically the same stuff but a different brand down here before. It was in a modern car stereo install though. I'm honestly not sure if it helped that much in that particular case and the car wasn't all that noisy to start with. It did make my car smell very strongly of roofing tar...
  10. willyD

    Rat Rod of the Day!

    I agree completely that the car looks amazing! My dad actually has an old N series tractor now that you mention it and it does steer like that. I wonder what you have to do to get that to work and how it handles.
  11. willyD

    Rat Rod of the Day!

    What is going on with the steering on this last one? How does that even work?
  12. willyD

    36 Ford Bobber Build

    I started grinding out the doors so that I can blend the flange edges. I got the back edge of one door blended as well since that is the easiest of the edges to do. The grinding marks in the pics make some areas look dented that actually aren't so it looks straighter in real life. Here's a...
  13. willyD

    '35 Ford 1 1/2 ton

    Which gaps are you talkin about? Your door gaps?
  14. willyD

    36 Ford Bobber Build

    The camo rattle cans are a great tip! I hadn't thought of them as good flat colors but they certainly are. I was kinda planning on using Smallfoot's technique of Scrubfree and then OSPHO on the ground out ares to force rust it then convert it. I'll have to play around with both and see what I...
  15. willyD

    36 Ford Bobber Build

    Those gaps are impressive MM! You should indeed be proud of them! Man, I'm glad they aren't factory or I would be in trouble! Not that i have to be even as good as factory since it will be a patina rod with no filler and no fresh paint. The dents are worked out as much as I can but the panels...
  16. willyD

    1933 chevy tudor sedan aka Project Copper Tone!

    I'm in Bozeman. My wife isn't into car stuff at all so going to much more than the local stuff is pretty hard unfortunately. The downtown show here is pretty good but there are usually only one or two rats out of 300 plus cars! Not sure why it hasn't caught on here. Only one prize is...
  17. willyD

    1933 chevy tudor sedan aka Project Copper Tone!

    Right on! I get a lot of positive attention in my Willys down here but doubt a rat or patina rod will ever win anything at the shows. Too many yuppies with waxers around here I think.
  18. willyD

    '35 Ford 1 1/2 ton

    I've been using all old tin as filler in mine too. I'm gonna grind the welds out but then force rust the ground areas.
  19. willyD

    '35 Ford 1 1/2 ton

    Lookin real good. Can't wait till I'm at this stage! I really like the "paint" on your cab by the way.