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  1. joukaishou813924

    NSRA Nats East York, PA

    sorry to say this but i thought that lil honda n600 was one of the neatest pics, i cant beleive they fit that engine in there(albeit that engine is small)
  2. joukaishou813924

    Anyone going to the NSRA show at York?

    wasnt too bad, i think i only saw maybe 10-20 cars that were post '70
  3. joukaishou813924

    think I need to mow the yard!!!!

    im more intersted in that coffin in your avatar, is it yours?
  4. joukaishou813924

    Anyone going to the NSRA show at York?

    so im gonna be at the show by about 8:30 am tommorrow or very close to opening, anyone else gonna be there?
  5. joukaishou813924

    Anyone going to the NSRA show at York?

    Ill try to make it on Saturday, as part of my long return trip, if not the Sunday.
  6. joukaishou813924

    Anyone going to the NSRA show at York?

    sorry to post this but york in which state, and is there a link you can post?
  7. joukaishou813924

    I made it

    just made it home from my 1850 mile trip, only took me 36 straight hours of going 80+ mph to go from shreveport LA, to Vermont. also found out my honda civic got 40-45 mpg the whole way and burns oil like a 2 stroke.... like a 25-1 mix.... burned thru bout 2 gallons of it. but had fun doing it i...
  8. joukaishou813924

    couple pix of my 29

    yes i didnt notice the fact it said plymouth, oops
  9. joukaishou813924

    couple pix of my 29

    nice, what body is it, mines a murray but doesn't look like that i dont think, looks like it'll be fun. what you putting in it?
  10. joukaishou813924

    York Pa ??

    wow someone used my full name..., ill try my best to go, look for a crappy honda civic with random colors a smashed windsheild and covered in mud...... i'll be in it smilin huge
  11. joukaishou813924

    York Pa ??

    when is it?
  12. joukaishou813924

    Thinking about growing a beard.

    i've got a cattepillar on my lip personally, cant do a beard yet, and a mustache is all the AF allows
  13. joukaishou813924

    hood flew open....

    the only nice thing about it was this was the cheapest bad luck incedent yet, like my mach 1 had a hot and run on the second day causing $2000+ in damage plus ruining my trans, or my tbird which i still cant figure out. this should only cost around $100 to fix
  14. joukaishou813924

    hood flew open....

    so i just got my little beater honda civic 2 days ago, and with my usual luck something bad has happened. i got on the highway hit about 75-80 and the hood flew open, smashed the windsheild and dented the roof, not to mention destroying my hood. so now i need to replace the hood and windsheild...
  15. joukaishou813924

    2010 Japoly Showdown

    so whats hidig in the bed of that coe? you get any pics of his motor set up by any chance?
  16. joukaishou813924

    who's up at 3 am?

    today at 3 am i got to listen to a cummins growl along while hauling 320,000lbs :)
  17. joukaishou813924

    anyone ever consider going diesel?

    dunno yet, im kinda thinking the tbird, but i'd only be able to get away with about a 40" tall motor max, while i know i'd be able to clear the 4bt no problem, im kinda thinking a lil motor sticking out of the hood would look kinda cool, btw pookie, what are the dimensions of the 4bt and 6bt...
  18. joukaishou813924

    anyone ever consider going diesel?

    i could do the cummins 4bt but wouldnt a detroit diesel be more entertaining? not to mention just outright huge?
  19. joukaishou813924

    Pookie Bros. Pro Street Ratt 46 Dodge-12V Cummins

    so with that cummins, what kind of power are you hoping for?
  20. joukaishou813924

    anyone ever consider going diesel?

    the thing that makes me think about a diesel is power, tq and possible gas mileage while doing so the add on ****ed off pete said he got 15mpg at 70 mph, with what i beleive was a 12v71 engine