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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. P

    Thought i would share a snap shot rat truck i found

    bodyman101, whats the story on the radiator? Is it any good? let me know, i have some stuff i could swap.....
  2. P

    fresh thinking photos

    oh wow, my pants just got tight. that is awesome!
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    How bout some REAL patina

    here are a few more from that day.
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    How bout some REAL patina

    here are a few that i found today.
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    triton v-10

    do it!! but do it a carb conversion. run one bank on one carb and the other on the second..... haha! figure it out amd keep us posted.
  6. P

    Couldnt help myself

    wow! those frame rails are impressive! thank you for raising the bar. good work and the the chop looks just right with those sick frame rails.
  7. P

    pics from Viva!

    that sequencial turbo ride is a beast! thatnk you for the pix.
  8. P


    oh wow, how did you find that thing? great find though and thank you for sharing it.
  9. P

    the road trip route 66

    i'll keep an eye on this. we will for sure try and convoy from Springfield, MO to OKC. I'm excited for you, this trip will be amazing!
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    Honda CB Chop

    wow, you really made that bike look great! good job!
  11. P

    Novel idea for a battery box!

    that s a great idea that will look great.
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    Twisted I-Beam

    i gotta say that is pretty cool looking. it is definitely for a show car though.
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    '48 Crosley station wagon build!

    this will be a fun build to watch. if you extend the front out like that, please fill the front wheel wells.
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    Arkansan RR Clubs???

    when is Petit Jean?
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    Arkansan RR Clubs???

    okay, i need a little more time to finish mine. sometime late summer would be best for me. just not the first week of august, got the family vacation. We could meet in some little dumpwater town on highway 7 and stay the night in the one hotel the town would have. think of how awesome the...
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    Old japanese street rat Suzuki gs1000g and other and old my bikes

    that helstrom is awesome! can i get some pics of the axle to chain conversion there on the back?
  17. P

    Mini Trike Build

    that is a great looking 2 week project. any wheelie shots?
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    rat rod heaven

    wow, thatnk you for taking the time to upoad those. that looks like you could spend a month in there and still find stuff.
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    Yours might be a rat rod................................

    you might be a rat rodder if..... you would ratherr try and build the part you need rather than purchase it.
  20. P

    Road Trip, With a few pic's

    those are some great shots. is that all the ones you got?