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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. P

    Need Motivation

    alright man, here is what you do. go outside after the sun goes down, open the door on the car and sit inside. Be quiet and just let your mind see the finished product. Go crank up your daily driver, back it up in front of the car and leave the lights on. get out and pop the hood on the plymouth...
  2. P

    anyone going to KC this weekend? Greaserama

    we all sell cars and won't leave the dealerships before 8 pm. i dont want to drive the 3 hours it will take to get there if we cant leave until 9:30 or 10 when everyone finally gets their crap together. Getting there at 1 am and trying to play catch up with all the drunk folks doesn't sound like...
  3. P

    anyone going to KC this weekend? Greaserama

    Me and a few friends are headed that way on Sunday morning. we should be there around 1 pm. anybody else going?
  4. P

    Like fast "bikes"

    i dont want to do it. but it would be cool to watch. waht tires do you use to do that with?
  5. P

    Wife Prank

    omg i am rolling. my stomach hurts from laughing that hard
  6. P

    Gonna be in Dallas next week

    me and another car dealer are gonna be down there trying to buy some cars. I would like to see what Dallas has to offer in the way of cool bars and cool rides. Anyone down for some free beers for an out of towner looking for **** to do?
  7. P

    My grill is famous....

    that is awesome!!
  8. P


    i list alot of cars for sale on craigslist for my dealership and get these all the time. Its always like, Greetings, I have interest in your item on the Craigslist. If I send cashier check will you forward overpayment to shipping company? I alwyas resond like i really want their business and...
  9. P

    Junkyard auction

    i wish the JYs around here looked that nice. hell, alot of times i'm scared to crawl down there and try and find the socket i dropped. somebody buy this place.
  10. P

    a couple thoughts on rat rods,

    this site is great. guys building cars to suit themselves is the best. oh and drive those built cars too. There is a guy that retired with a chunk of cash and builds $100,000 hot rods (well, has someone build them) that has a shop two doors down from our little 18' x 32' shop and he spends more...
  11. P

    Modern Day Hot Rods??

    i love foxbodies. i want a notchback so bad i can taste it. it is the project after the blazer then old truck. notchback with a turbo and some 3.73s, mmmmm pure highway sex.
  12. P

    Tattoo of a red coupe

    i really want to do a leg sleeve with some hot rods and streetfighter bikes. the first will be the current rat rod when it's done.
  13. P

    Kool Knob Ideas!

    im doing a rearview mirror.
  14. P

    Leaving for Breckenridge, CO in the a.m.

    going to be there until friday or sat morning. If anyone is close, lets grab some beers one nite. I'll buy a few rounds. Call me on the cell - 479-841-1656
  15. P

    rusty car and truck fotos

    wow, thank you for sharing that link. i just spent 45 minutes there.
  16. P

    Some Goofy Trinkets

    i really like the hang loose! that is awesome. ebay here you come.
  17. P

    Thread for COB with pictures

    wow, that motor is great. where is it now? and why still run a cam gear on the block? That carb is huge!! mount it on the exhaust, like you said. i like that idea.
  18. P

    Im heading to OKC Sat. nite and Sun

    just a quick bump. we are leaving in about 3 hrs.
  19. P

    old tin for sale

    there is a small fortune to be had by selling that stuff. how long has he had it?
  20. P

    The new Elky!

    why did they ever discontinue the old El Camino? oh yeah, they didn't sell well. this won't either for any real period of time. It will at first b/c of the guys that used to have one but thats it.