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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. joukaishou813924

    Any one besides me gotta have a sound system in a car?

    for me i always wait until after i finished the exhaust to dtermine how much of a sterio is needed, andwhether or not its cost effective to put one in at all
  2. joukaishou813924

    just found this

    they made it 1-2 laps round a track before they had chain drive issues
  3. joukaishou813924

    just found this

    that could be or they have entered the same car several times and used whatever body panels they could get their hands on.
  4. joukaishou813924

    just found this

    someone put a radial engine into an mr2 for the Lemon 500, heres the pics
  5. joukaishou813924

    Kool Car Photos!

    wheres the rest of the car on that real hemi? looks like a shell to me, theres nothing to the rear end anymore
  6. joukaishou813924

    430 MEL questions

    mercury edsel lincoln engine family MEL, used from 58-67 heres the wiki on it
  7. joukaishou813924

    430 MEL questions

    is retrofitting a newer one an option?
  8. joukaishou813924

    430 MEL questions

    anybody ever had one, and how hard are parts for one. I'm looking at a 58 lincoln continental , that one, and have never seen nor worked on a mel, any comments would be appreciated.
  9. joukaishou813924

    rearengine rat truck

    thats actually a gm engine from the big block v6 line up, its a 702 cubic inch v12, putting down around 200hp in the late 60's
  10. joukaishou813924

    How to open your car with a tennis ball!

    i used to keep a coat hanger under the hood of my 73 mach 1 because you could open the hood from the out side, thaat and i locked myself out a few to many times...
  11. joukaishou813924

    Check your trailer brakes

    i have to ask tho how did the trailer brakes cause that? electrical fire or something?
  12. joukaishou813924

    How to open your car with a tennis ball!

    i remember mythbusters trying it, it didnt work
  13. joukaishou813924

    What kind of car is this??

    i do know that nsu is the company that had the first rotary engine cars, and persued technology into that engine type
  14. joukaishou813924

    fresh thinking photos

    looks like one of the bugatti/bugatti clones i've seen from the 30's
  15. joukaishou813924

    Havin some fun

    what was he driving, i really couldnt tell?
  16. joukaishou813924

    fresh thinking photos

    makes me wonder if he used 2 engines or 1.....
  17. joukaishou813924

    Don't see these everyday

    no not really thats a 305 probably, whuch put down 150-165 gross hp and 260-280 gross torques, if its not the 305 then maybe it would have a little more, here a sight about them.
  18. joukaishou813924

    My Outlaw Fire Truck

    whats the motor?
  19. joukaishou813924

    America in color 1939-1943

    found 3 from my home town fair in there
  20. joukaishou813924

    Have you guys seen these new Chevy billboards!

    seems like a poor idea to remind people about how great you used to be, and to show off things that can never be actual steel in your car.....