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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. billy

    Endless BS thread

    I told him that when ya turn 30 you get the grandpa handbook He sez Nah... I sez Why sure How the hell would I know what to tell ya without it?
  2. billy

    1965 Dodge A108

    I saw the title and wanted to see what it looked like. It's hard to believe that mine and yours were are the same year dodges
  3. billy

    Endless BS thread

    My wife and I are raising the 8 year old grandson. I never had kids so I am just fumbling motto is All a person can do is their best. The one thing that helps me is I can very clearly remember what it's like to be an 8 year old boy. I wish I had a male figure growing up Especially one...
  4. billy

    Kool Bike Photos!!!

  5. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike

    Update This thing works great Goes plenty fast enough for me and can haul a ridiculous amount of weight for its size. Brakes work and always starts on 1st pull
  6. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike

    Feeling kinda ****ty today (arthritis amd ulcer)but am chomping at the bit to finish the sidekick. I am so close to being done but i know kneeling to work on it is going to hurt
  7. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike
  8. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike

    REALLY low gearing. Be great in the woods
  9. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike
  10. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    We think the roller has much less miles on it than my m34b1 It's been outside in a dry climate for so long that it has no grease on it. But no rust and when we opened the diff it was all shiny and clean
  11. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    I have a new differential and both rear axles installed! And a bunch of spare parts. Going to take off everything that has nuts and bolts and put it all in storage. Keeping a spare axle in the truck. ;)
  12. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

  13. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    Pulled axles again and then found a rolling chassis for 200 bucks Hopefully axles,diffs,etc are in good shape. If so I am swapping parts and driving it home with spare axles in the back
  14. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    These axles are way easier to change than a flat tire
  15. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    Decided to go whole hog. Taking it to the shop and removing the differential to get the stub out. Clean ,inspect and if no damage. Button it back up and wait for the new axle. I tried fishing the stub out with magnet. No dice It's stuck in there.
  16. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    Drivers side
  17. billy

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    Snapped a real axle yesterday at a green light. Put it in 4x4 ,locked the hubs and drove home. Luckily all I need to do is remove 6 half inch bolts and the axles slide right out
  18. billy

    1963 sidekick minibike

    I got given a Honda gx140 and if the clutch will fit I'll install that instead of the b and g. It's a little bit smaller with the same HP rating. And I won't have to tinker with it to get it running fine
  19. billy

    Rat Rod of the Day!

    I'd like that truck as a 4x4 No giant tire crap Just good clearance and traction