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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    We didn't get much done today, we just got started and Dan got a phone call to go play a gig tonight, so he had to go. But there is very little left to do, so we should be able to finish the bed up tomorrow. Before he left, I let him drive the car around the industrial park, after all, he...
  2. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks guys for the compliments and also for the jet size advice. I am going to start slightly smaller and work down from there.
  3. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks for all the nice words, guys. I have to admit that I like it too. Not like one of those high dollar "Gabe" Hollywood upholstery jobs, but it will be serviceable and kinda old school. George did ok. I found out his name is actually Jorge, he left me with some business cards I can...
  4. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Today George finally came by and dropped off all my interior panels , except for the carpeting (he forgot those). After he left, I got everything installed and I am very happy with the outcome. Certainly not show car quality, but very good driver quality, and I wanted a 1950-60 look and he...
  5. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Well, George cancelled again tonight because he says he is having trouble getting a glue that will stick to the aluminum panels I gave him. He finally found one that seems to work, and he sent me pictures of the two door panels he is done with. I really am in no rush, I have a lot of other...
  6. donsrods

    Good abrasive glass cleaner?

    When I worked at a body shop, we cleaned every window on every car leaving with 000 fine steel wool. It removed overspray, scratches, etc. You would think it would scratch glass, but it is so fine it doesn't.
  7. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Even though George was not coming last night, Dan and I went to the shop anyway and worked on a couple of small items just to get them out of the way. Dan finished up the bottom mounts for the tailgate, so now , even though the tailgate does not really open, it looks like the hinges at the...
  8. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    George just called and wants to meet tomorrow instead of today. He is not quite done, and I really do not need the upholstery this second anyway. be continued !
  9. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    George, my upholstery guy, called and he is delivering the rest of my interior tonight at 7 pm. Can't wait to see it, and from the nice job he did on the seat, it should be fine. I'm not looking for a show car interior, just something serviceable and sort of old school. I'll post some...
  10. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I agree, I have had great luck and service with all three of those auto parts suppliers. I am also amazed how fast stuff comes after you order it. Usually a couple of days and it is at your door. I have also had good luck with Amazon, but generally on non auto related items.
  11. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Yep. And since the virus has hit they are scrambling to get any kind of workers they can get to show up. It is that way from fast food restaurants to places like this. But Monday I will be on the phone to make sure they get me my $ 160.00 back.
  12. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Haha, the haunting of my rpu continues, sort of. Every day I check my bank balance because I have been hacked a few times, and today when I checked it there were TWO charges on there from Pep Boys for the valve cover set I bought and then returned an hour later ! It appears that the clerk...
  13. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Well, at least one new carb, OI. The end two seem fine, but the center carb has always been suspect, it is a different model for some reason than the other two, although I ordered exactly the same part number for all 3 from Rock Auto. I will also need to order a new Speedway conversion kit for...
  14. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks to all of you, it was nice to have help to bounce ideas off of during all of this. Ya know, I feel pretty dumb, this engine could not have been a more simple one, everything brand new, a sbc that is as uncomplicated as they come, and yet I could not find the culprit in this mess. What...
  15. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Ok, I will cut right to the chase. Today I installed the last few pieces and got to fire up the car with the new intake setup on it, and it started and ran GREAT !!! (insert smiley face here) There were a few glitches along the way today, like the new valve covers did not fit because the...
  16. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Today my intake showed up so I went to the shop to install it. I REALLY took my time putting it on, and I torqued it down in 5 steps of 5 pounds each, just to be sure I did it right. Then I installed the distributor, and carb, and hooked up the radiator hose. The only thing left to do...
  17. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks guys, I really think this has to fix the problem. A single four barrel is so easy compared to trying to set up these multi carb setups. I just got the notification that the new intake is on the truck for delivery today, so tonight I will CAREFULLY install it and then put the rest of...
  18. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks, Mac. Yep, Dr C, that Mexico part did have me wondering too. But my son Don has a suburban that he uses to haul his boat and other things, and it has a GM crate motor in it with about 200,000 miles on it, and it still runs like a clock. So you never know. Tonight Dan worked on more...
  19. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Sorry to keep posting all this info, but I figure, if someone else ever has a similar problem it might save them some time. Ok, I just called Edelbrock and he said he feels the 1205s3 gaskets I used were not the best choice. He says they do not fit the ports as well as FelPro 1256 gaskets...
  20. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I just got off the phone with the tech guy at FelPro, he said to install the gaskets with the bead of silicone toward the intake side, like I had done. I also told him about the oil wicking I am seeing where there is oil staining on only the underside of the gaskets. He said it sounds like a...