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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Yeah, everything I read on line suggested using these gaskets if you have an aluminum intake, so this is what I ordered: Here is what is driving me nuts about this thing, I have installed intakes on a lot of engines over the years, bolt them on and...
  2. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    All of my parts came in on Friday and Saturday, and I got the top end of the engine stripped down. When I pulled the intake, it was glued down really well, and the gasket surfaces showed no real smoking gun as to where it might have been leaking. However, the gaskets were as hard as a rock...
  3. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks for all the tips guys. This thing should be a no brainer, new engine, new intake. But it was so long ago that I put the intake on that I am not sure what gaskets I used or how I did it. My son Don says that if I used the Edelbrock gaskets that came with the intake, he hates them and...
  4. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Well guys, I think today I found my problem ! My new carbs came in and I got the Speedway bases installed on them to convert them to a tripower setup. I got everything converted over and got them installed. When I started the car up, it ran like crap ! So, I dug into the ignition system and...
  5. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Yep, Torchie, my skill level is just "Keep throwing new parts at it until it is fixed". Sooner or later you find the bad one. lol
  6. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I just got off the phone with Summit Racing and ordered a new Pertronix Flame Thrower distributor and matching coil . I have the same one in my 27 and it has been great. The distributor currently in my rpu is one that I bought at Turkey Run from one of the vendors there, it is a knock off...
  7. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Believe me, I have thought of the hammer a few times ! lol
  8. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Ok, finally some progress ! I installed the new carb today and right out of the box it ran way better. Not perfect yet, but probably 95% better, just a very slight bog off the line but then it pulls hard and revs like it should. So, then I removed the base off of the new carb and installed...
  9. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I'll tell you, guys, more and more I am leaning toward this problem being electrical. It is as if the distributor is just not putting out the right spark, or the coil is the wrong one, or something of that nature. Tomorrow I will put the new carb on, and see what is what. If that does not fix...
  10. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I guess so, Doc. They seem to do a good job on rebuilding these, it looks great. Can't believe it came in a day either !
  11. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I sure hope that is not the case because this was a brand new crate motor, but who knows. I just have to get back to square one and first of all figure out why my timing marks on the damper changes once I fire up the engine. I thought , by buying everything new that this engine would fire up...
  12. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    I was surprised to see that my new carb showed up today, and I only ordered it a day ago ! Rock Auto is pretty cool, I use them a lot. The coloration is just slightly different than what is on the engine now, and I am considering, if this one fixes the problem, of ordering two more so they all...
  13. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks guys. Last night, as I was laying in bed, I ran this thing through my head and came to the conclusion that I may have been chasing my tail and looking at the wrong problem. Instead of it being carburation, it might actually be my distributor or coil. The...
  14. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    My upholstery guy came by today and picked up the interior side panels. He says he isn't as busy as he was when he did my seat, so he feels two weeks should do it. He is also doing the carpeting for me. In the meantime, Dan worked on the stake pockets for the bed tonight and got two of them...
  15. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    No, the end carbs are not in the picture at all. I made block off plates to go underneath the two end carbs, and also some block offs in the fuel lines going to them. So, they are getting no fuel and no air intake. The end carbs are the same, but I bought Speedway kits to convert the end...
  16. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Yes, it does run slightly better when warmed up. I had the same thoughts as you about it being not warmed up yet. But even when up to temperature, it still bogs like mad and will not rev very high under load.
  17. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    There should be a really good ground, I ran the black battery cable right to the starter and fed off of that for all the rest of the car. But that is something to look at too.
  18. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    These things can drive you nuts, can't they ? Hope you find your problem tomorrow.
  19. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thank you. Well, I have decided to try to get the bad running situation figured out because I am close to getting this thing on the road. It should run like a new car, the engine is a crate motor, almost every part on it is brand new, and it still stumbles when I try to accellerate. It...
  20. donsrods

    RPU, bodywork underway.

    Thanks. Just having my sons to do this stuff with is the best part of my life, Old Iron. There have been some things in my life that I have really messed up, but having them was absolutely the best thing that ever happened in my life. I could not imagine what my life would have been like...