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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. V

    whats up

    Welcome . SSbf with twins , kick ass . Can't wait to see the build .
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    Ford F 100 Hi . I like the '63'S because my dad had one . It had a Holman Moody 427 and raced it at the indoor drags in Chicago . It was blue with HERBO in goldleaf on the doors . My mother drove it around North ave and Western .
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    Location Poll

    Born and raised in Chicago . Retired to Florida
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    Florida Greetings

    Alright another guy from Florida . I'm in Ft Myers . No Rat Rods but 3 early Econolines .
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    What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

    trade that motor for a Ford
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    Traffic Pix

    Ford Econoline vans like Joe drives .
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    Traffic Pix

    Hi all . I drive my ' 64 or ' 65 Econoline Panel . My ' 61 Econoline Pickup is still on jack stands until the middle on next month .
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    Newbie from Florida

    Hello from Ft Myers .
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    Wheels Of Time Macungie, PA

    Hi . I'm in Ft Myers Fl and getting alittle wind from Irene all the way across the state . Everyone on the left coast better hold on , it's going to be hell .
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    They gave me a rebuilt ratchet from under the counter . Somehow that one broke within 5 minutes after i got home . Sears people don't like me .
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    Hi . I'm in Ft Myers , where in October ?
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    Let's see what you ride daily...

    Just wondering . " be nice enjoy yourself "
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    Let's see what you ride daily...

    Is there a year rule on this board ?
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    few from an upcoming shoot

    Thanks .I need 15 x 8s . I have two Ford i'm keeping and two GM 5 x 4 3/4 i'm selling . They need bead blasting .
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    few from an upcoming shoot

    Cool ride . Looking for two wheels like on the front but no center rib . 15 X 8 , 5 X 4 1/2 bolt .
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    Blast Cabinet

    I made my own cabinet . Bought the little blackset and used the parts from it . I can put a 29x12.50x15 Mickey tire and wheel in it . Cost $140.
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    Made a little more progress......

    Kool build . Always loved the rods but more of a van guy . I'm in Ft Myers . Love to see your car in person .
  18. V

    Any Photoshop Guru's Bored Today?

    phptoshop ------- There's a truck here in the u pick . It has all the chrome , everything but wheels and dash panel . It's a custom cab . They want $ 800 to $ 1000. for it .
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    Gasser & Altered fotos!!!

    I do . I lived in Chicago and went to the tracks to see the wheel standers .
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    Hello from S/W Florida

    Hello . I'm been working on cars fifty years , i'm sixty now . Built stock cars in the 60's out of Chicago . Workin on early Econolines now . I have three , a ' 61 truck , ' 64 & ' 65 panel . hope soneday to build a rat rod .