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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. HOT40ROD

    Problems with upper and lower beam

    For the head light problem. I would start with grounding the headlight plug to the car and not the wiring harness. Then I would try changing out the dimmer switch. If that does not work i would disconnect the light senser for the headlights.
  2. HOT40ROD

    Driving lessons

    Throw her the keys and let her take it for a spin. Great pictures.
  3. HOT40ROD

    difference between comedy and tragedy

    you laugh That real happen to me. And now when I see him he complains about her. All I say it thanks with a big smile on my face.
  4. HOT40ROD

    Damn ticks

    My one friend has it. sometime it put him down were he can not even get up or walk. They think he had to over two years before he was treated.
  5. HOT40ROD

    1985 110yz Dirt Bike, yea here I go again

    Bike looks good. I bet that low center of gravity make it handle good. Looks pretty quick too. It look like ride a two wheeled go kart. Love it.
  6. HOT40ROD

    z question.

    Fish plate it and drill some holes in the fish plate so you can plug weld it.
  7. HOT40ROD

    Anyone ever used this set up?

    I like the idea. Keep the rear centered under the car but lets it twist with the road and uneven surfaces
  8. HOT40ROD

    my chevy

    Looks good
  9. HOT40ROD

    To all the bikers on the site Winter coming

    It that time of year again to get your bikes ready for winter. Got mine ready yesterday
  10. HOT40ROD

    My other car....

    It was a an under rated car, But the maverick grabber with a 302, 4 speed and 372 gears was a fast car and turned a lot of head. I had one back when they wree new and had a lot of fun with that car.
  11. HOT40ROD


    Plus the elbow on the gray are not as tight and make it easier to run the wire through
  12. HOT40ROD


    I have Grundy now. I will not use Hagarty anymore after the way they handled the claim on my rambler
  13. HOT40ROD

    being an ambassador to our hobby

    Good job. Maybe when he get back home he may building something.
  14. HOT40ROD

    1985 110yz Dirt Bike, yea here I go again

    I always wonder how a bike built that low would look. I like it. Can noy wait to see the finish bike and you setting on it. I'm big too and have been thinking of building a low bike.
  15. HOT40ROD

    Know your limits.

    You interested in getting rid of those rear spring mounts.
  16. HOT40ROD

    Know your limits.

    Is the steering box behind the a arms If so its a 1967-69 Camaro or 1968-74 Nova. If the box is in front is a 70 or later Camaro the 1967-69 Camaro and 1968-74 Nove are basically the same sub frame
  17. HOT40ROD

    65 F100 drag truck

    That crown vic suspension looks like a real nice setup. Never though about using one but now you got me thinking. Would you happen to know the track width of that setup.
  18. HOT40ROD

    Mixing fuels

    We use to run the purple stuff 100% in the race car with no issues. also used it in my car on the street at the end of the season and never had any issues. Back in the 70's you could buy 100 oct at the pump
  19. HOT40ROD

    Know your limits.

    That looks like a 1948-52 Ford truck frame. what I do not understand is that the early Camaro frame should have slid right inside the ford frame.
  20. HOT40ROD

    any thoughts to battery going dead in 38 Nash ???

    also put a volt gauge on it. With an 8 volt battery you need to be putting out atleast 9.75 or 10 volts