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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Rat'l Trap

    What wheels are these?

    I was thinking minilites too, but the spokes look too pointed. Empi might be a good call.
  2. Rat'l Trap

    Somethin I picked up a couple weeks ago...

    Nice car. There's a red 55 Handyman for sale near me. Not as nice as yours and he wants $5000 I think. Seemed high to me for what he has. I already have my longroof though! [cl
  3. Rat'l Trap

    Junk yard crawl!!!!

    Yeah, suckoliscious. I dont do facebook, nor do I "tweet". :cool:
  4. Rat'l Trap

    is this traditional or a rat rod

    I guess all I can say is what has already been said over and over. ***F**em. Screw labels. Your car is beuteous. While I wouldnt call it a rat rod, I'd be proud to call it mine. Someone who says your car doesnt belong in their show doesnt deserve to have your car in his show. Just drive...
  5. Rat'l Trap

    1st build Twin turbo s10 modern rat

    that old Suburban (?) would look great if the grill didnt make it look like an owl with a clef palette.
  6. Rat'l Trap

    What do you heat your garage with?

    in my uninsulated 20x24 attached garage I used a 11K BTU kerosene heater last winter. Took the chill off, but not warm, and stinky. Looking for a propane unit of about 25K BTU for this year. Wish I had room for a wood stove.
  7. Rat'l Trap

    Merc, value ????

    that car is only worth $40, but I will give you $50 because you probably need the money. Let me know where to pick up the car. :D
  8. Rat'l Trap

    some pictures i have collected from various places

    you clearly have a knack for composition and special effects, as well as subject matter. Unless you are worried someone here might steal your work for some reason, you need to shoot or save in larger format and hi rez so people can see the pics better. I'd really like to see them, but they...
  9. Rat'l Trap

    picked this RAT up today

    I love me some rusty Cragars too. Hard to beat a classic. Yours is right there.[cl
  10. Rat'l Trap

    postal jeep thoughts

    I liked it until I saw the mailbox. If that was a conventional air cleaner of some sort it would be just right. Just my opinion.
  11. Rat'l Trap

    Let's see some hood ornaments!

    Use fiberglass resin. Mix it and pour it over it, hang it by the nose for as long as it takes to harden--maybe 20 minutes. Should turn out cool and will be preserved and pretty solid.
  12. Rat'l Trap

    I'm a Rambling man...

    I thought I put this up here about senile. :( Anyway, another nice example. A longroof version that this lady was quite happy driving.
  13. Rat'l Trap

    Let's see some hood ornaments!

    Saw this one at Carlisle last year. Reminded me of a woman I work with :eek:
  14. Rat'l Trap

    Let's see some hood ornaments!

    Damn-- I saw that pile of rags and thought to myself "WTF??" and then recognized the new bling on the jeep hood. Whew!
  15. Rat'l Trap

    Let's see some hood ornaments!

    I always liked the ornate and different ones. Some of the classics are cool too. This old guy has seen some sun. Show us your faves.
  16. Rat'l Trap

    Molases rust remover

    Why not use the electrolysis method? Seems much quicker.
  17. Rat'l Trap

    Rate the ______ Above

    I'd peg that one at a 9 for the rearview mirror alone. Here's one I always liked, until the guy sold it to someone 800 miles away :(
  18. Rat'l Trap

    1946 TT Turbo ford pickup

    It'll never work. The valve covers are dirty. :D
  19. Rat'l Trap


    I used to have a toy truck that looked a lot like this thing. Mine had a phone company sign painted on it. I think it was what they would use to work in the field back in the day. Today the equivalent might be the standard box truck. The toy even had the sliding roof. Presumably to let in...
  20. Rat'l Trap


    That's not a hole, it's a vent so you dont need to do a courtesy flush :eek:. Gives the fumes a place to go.