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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Rat'l Trap

    How about some vintage circle track cars?

    That's gonna leave a mark...
  2. Rat'l Trap

    Merry Christmas to you all

    I dont post here much, but this is my all time favorite holiday. With that in mind, I challenge all of you guys and gals to do a random act of kindness this week. Give to Toys for Tots, treat someone homeless to a hot meal, be a Secret Santa for a family down on their luck. And keep the...
  3. Rat'l Trap

    Interesting info on penetrants

    I grew up using my Dad's liquid wrench, so I still use it. PB Blaster never really impressed me much and WD40 was never billed as a penetrant, but a "Water Dispersant (recipe number 40...).The ATF/acetone makes sense but I gotta admit that I am surprised that it is that much better than Liquid...
  4. Rat'l Trap

    Tetnis Shots

    One Thanksgiving while I was dreading going to my sister-in-law's for dinner I was taking stuff off a motor that I was taking out of my truck. Rusted fasteners are always the culprit right? Pulled on the wrench and it slipped off the nut, I opened an nice slice on my wrist from a very rusty...
  5. Rat'l Trap

    When it rains it pours

    The 3rd thing has already happened: First the job, 2nd the Saturn, 3rd your family was in harm's way and made it out OK. Stay positive and good things will come your way.;)
  6. Rat'l Trap

    School Shooting , just sick

    I couldnt believe it when I heard the news. Sickening. My son teaches 3rd grade, and my daughter was a senior at VA Tech when the massacre happened there. I think that event damaged her permanently and I am afraid how today's news hit her. Kind of hard to deal with for different reasons...
  7. Rat'l Trap

    For you southern boys

    Love the Christmas greeting. "No L" is a fave of mine. Well done.[cl
  8. Rat'l Trap

    Different perspective on car shows

    I could detail my panel truck with a wire brush. Wait--there's only the lights that have any shiny bits on em anywhere. Never mind. Anyone need a nice wire detail brush? ;)
  9. Rat'l Trap

    9 year old boys last wish

    sounded familiar so I checked online to see if it was another hoax. Apparently it is legit, dammit. I hate to hear about sick kids. Got one of our own. I'd mail him a box of em if it would help, but just one is good. Get with it boys. Rat Rodders can make a difference to this kid. Be part...
  10. Rat'l Trap

    Different perspective on car shows

    I guess my eyes really do suck because from 6 feet I didnt notice how poorly detailed many of these are. But the camera doesnt lie.:o A toothbrush would go a long way to cleaning up the tight spots for sure.
  11. Rat'l Trap

    Public Notice To My RRR Friends

    Excellent news about Josh. Dont give up. You are helping him beat this by being strong. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year![cl
  12. Rat'l Trap

    30 yrs Gone

    Mike--I just opened an email from a financial planner I know, and he is fairly upbeat on Real Estate. Check this out: REAL ESTATE The numbers that mean the most in this sector were strikingly positive. October data from the National Association of Realtors showed existing home sales had...
  13. Rat'l Trap

    30 yrs Gone

    Don, you are preaching to the choir. Unfortunately, the owners are both from sales backgrounds and are petrified that the customers will go somewhere else. My reply is like yours: Good! Maybe the rest of them will pay on time. HOWEVER, most of the 7 figure receivables are fairly current...
  14. Rat'l Trap

    Different perspective on car shows

    I went to a local cruise last summer and thought I'd show it from a bit of a different perspective. Hope ya'll get some good memories from these.
  15. Rat'l Trap

    30 yrs Gone

    I've been at the same company for going on 31 years. We seem to keep getting work, but now our customers are not paying in a timely manner. I'm in charge of purchasing but have to be very careful because of no cash flow. We are owed over a million dollars but cant pay our bills. Mike, do...
  16. Rat'l Trap

    11 Weeks old tomorrow.............

    that's the truth. Good lookin boy there Snake. Enjoy his company often. Before you know it he'll be asking for the keys to the Willys. :p And I KNOW lookin at him right in the eyes that he's already thinkin "Sure Gramps, I'll only drive under the speed limit, and no girls in the truck ever!"
  17. Rat'l Trap

    Jesse James coming back ???

    I like Gas Monkey because it's kinda entertaining. The main guy does like to hear himself talk, but the little builder guy with the long beard is funny, and I think he can get it done too, even if he does goof up some. The show I am losing interest in is South Beach Classics. An old wrinkly...