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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Rat'l Trap

    1938 Fire truck...What to do?

    Look up Firefly Restorations (I think) in Hope, Maine. The guy has a lot of old firetrucks in the yard outside an old converted chicken house. He might be interested in what you have.
  2. Rat'l Trap

    Buick 300 opinions and observations wanted

    I have a 350 Buick and TH350. The BOP trannies have a U-shape dip on the top of the bell, vs a humpback on the Chevy version. As others said, the switch-pitch is supposed to be neat. Gets you off the line like a higher stall, then drops back to highway manners at speed. That's save you...
  3. Rat'l Trap

    Will You Ever Finish The Projects In Your Wishlist?

    You did well compared to me. I had 5 tickets and had ZERO matching digits to the big winner. Kinda makes me wanna just put that $10 into my truck next time...dammit.:(
  4. Rat'l Trap

    Will You Ever Finish The Projects In Your Wishlist?

    good call SnakeFarm. If I cant work on em for whatever reason, I want to be able to THINK I will, so if I finish everything on my wish list, I would prolly check out for good. Dont want that.
  5. Rat'l Trap

    Hmmmmm...what engine 350 or 327

    I think the least expensive way would be to have that 305 evaluated by someone who knows. Heads come to mind. Probably doesnt breath too well. That includes getting the right carb and tuning it properly, a good dual plane intake, and a compatible exhaust system including proper diameter long...
  6. Rat'l Trap

    Ask the person below

    been listening to a lot of instrumental blues lately so I'll say no words. fresh water or salt water fishing?
  7. Rat'l Trap

    Which oil filter?!

    Lots of good reading at bobistheoilguy dot com. I use Purolator or AC Delco mostly. I learned that the Walmart brand (Tech?) gets better reviews than Fram. I've run them before with no ill effects. Wont use Fram.
  8. Rat'l Trap

    72 pinto wagon

    they're ugly WITH fenders :p
  9. Rat'l Trap

    went to the doctor yesterday

    Dont wait. What wears out til then will help you recover. And while you never know how long the replacement will last, you may as well get the new one now while you can use it. You might not be able to walk in 15 years for another reason, OR you may not be here at all. Git R done! My sister...
  10. Rat'l Trap

    About as frustrated and PO'd as I need be.

    Chevy used to make a car called the Monza (not the Corvair one) that had to have the motor pulled out to change the plugs. Really. Those designers should have been tortured.:cool:
  11. Rat'l Trap

    Things not to do ever again

    when I was in high school I tried raking blueberries one summer. Basically you bend at the waist and pick teeny blueberries from bushes that are only a foot tall. I lasted one day and said no more. I collected my $14 and probably began what has turned into lifelong lower back pain. Now I...
  12. Rat'l Trap

    Delivery anyone?

    I just saw a 58 sedan in front of a shop this week. Dont see many 58s at all, much less a sedan delivery. Pretty cool.
  13. Rat'l Trap

    Ask the person below

    Frank's hot sauce Thanksgiving or Christmas?
  14. Rat'l Trap

    Did ya miss me?.......six days without.......

    Sandy missed me by just a whisker. Between Snake Farm's snow and NJ floods. Boy am I lucky. Snake--I've tried to get in touch with someone in Berkley Springs with no luck. Not sure where you are compared to them, but any idea if they got hammered like you did? That might 'splaine it.
  15. Rat'l Trap

    This is NOT a political rant !!!!

    Just an hour north of the White House and I was in and out in about 10 minutes. I was surprised how easy it would be to vote as someone else, though. They asked me my name, my address, and I had to sign a slip. No SS number, no photo ID or anything. Hell, I could've voted a dozen times with...
  16. Rat'l Trap

    Ask the person below

    Turkey single malt or blend?
  17. Rat'l Trap

    renick 46 ford bobber truck

    what's the matter, cant find your BIG C-clamp??? Holy CRAP! :eek:
  18. Rat'l Trap

    Ask the person below

    Mayo ahem...carpet or hardwood? ;0)
  19. Rat'l Trap

    Rat Rod of the Day!

    Me too. Some day maybe it'll roll out under it's own power... [dr
  20. Rat'l Trap

    Rough Riders FB page

    You dont need to resize them on Photobucket. Just post the links for the appropriate sites. Craigslist uses one type, message boards another.