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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Acorn nuts are a good idea for a few places. Thanks
  2. gold03

    1952 F-6 Build

    Nice you guys.[cl I'm having a number ten... thou shalt not covet.[ddd
  3. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    cables Here is how it turned out.
  4. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Chains chip the rust:p
  5. gold03

    This is a game changer! World anti rust league removes rust from unsuspecting cars:eek:[ddd
  6. gold03

    1952 F-6 Build

    I'm glad you decided to cut the fenders. Looks great Torchie.[cl
  7. gold03

    1931 Chevy 4door into pickup.

    That's a hole lot of lovin...[;)
  8. gold03

    Miller 211 Auto set

    I bought on to replace my Lincoln 110 volt MIG and my Miller Thunderbolt stick welder. Got it on sale for $1500 - $200 Miller rebate. I sold the Thunderbolt for $300. now selling the Lincoln for $250. Back to the Miller 211. Set it to the wire size, set the metal thickness, and weld. Makes me...
  9. gold03

    NOCO wicked smart chargers

    I have had four batteries on maintenance all winter. I will upgrade this thread when they are reinstalled in the near future. Bike, RV, and lawn tractor. I hope they recovered the RV batteries a little.
  10. gold03

    amsoil? ever tried it?

    I use Amsoil in my V-Twin bike. I like it. I use Mobile 1 synthetic in everything else I own. Jeep, Dodge Diesel, and it will likely go in the 49 ford.
  11. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    A break from tradition Now that I'm over a pneumonia back to it.:) Todays project. I am using cables like a modern Dodge truck to hold up the tail gate on the inside of the box. Fabricated the hanger end for the side of the box with some grade 8 bolt shaft, a washer and cold rolled steel. Touch...
  12. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    Hey Torchie, I was thinking of doing that as an option as well.
  13. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    I agree. Looking at putting the chains on the inside of the box to keep the outside lines clean, but to preserve the ability to protect the rail gate. I've been laid up with a flu bug which gives me some time to work on some of these challenges in my head. I think I have a solution.
  14. gold03

    1952 F-6 Build

    Isn't that the truth! [S not sure where the old guy in my mirror came from.
  15. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    I had a really cool set of antique aircraft seat belt buckles... now that I have a use for them, no where to be seen.:mad:
  16. gold03

    1952 F-6 Build

    Hey Torchie, Looking good! The overlap, cut then weld works well hey? No matter how bad my cut is it is lined up[cl Are you are getting injections for macular degeneration? I'm fighting a bronchitis again so not going near the grinder for a bit.:(
  17. gold03

    1949 Ford bobber build

    That's a cool idea[S
  18. gold03

    1952 F-6 Build

    Truck is looking great Torchie!
  19. gold03

    36 Ford truck on Ranger

    U-Joint phasing. see video
  20. gold03

    is the LOVE BOAT allowed here?

    The bus I built and hauled the truck with. I miss the bus. Very tough vehicle.